how annoying it was, but right now she didn’t have time. He stood in the midst of his own staff. Darcy now wore a chef’s coat and beanie. Two other dark-eyed men in white coats lounged against the prep table, looking both exotic and bored.
“Okay, y’all, listen up,” LeBlanc intoned in a voice that carried to the back of the kitchen. The servers came to attention. Gabriel reluctantly turned his gaze away from Kit.
“Soup of the day is wild mushroom bisque. Mushrooms are local. Try to mention that—we don’t want it hanging around after today. Special is broiled redfish with haricots verts and rice pilaf. Sandwich is a Spanish chorizo and manchego panini. Pasta is penne with Meyer lemon cream sauce and grilled shrimp.”
“We got any steak?” Phillip called.
LeBlanc grimaced. “We got some strip. Not much. Expect it to run out early. Push the Panini and the pasta—we got lots of both. And chicken. Always chicken.”
“Cooked how?” Elaine asked, eyes wide.
“However you want it, darlin’.” LeBlanc grinned at her. “Regular menu stuff. Mostly salads. Staff meal’s on the steam table.”
Kit watched the waiters and chefs head for the food. Her stomach felt too full of butterflies to squeeze in anything else.
LeBlanc raised a bristling black eyebrow. “You don’t like pasta? I can fix you up some of that wild mushroom bisque.”
She shook her head. “Not hungry right now. If there’s anything left after the lunch crowd, I’ll eat then.”
LeBlanc peered at her. “You’re not nervous are you, darlin’?”
Kit flexed her shoulders. “I won’t be after this meal. After I get used to the place.”
He shook his head, his sardonic grin returning. “Darlin’, this place has been limping along with Mabel as hostess for a month. Anything you do will be an improvement, believe me. Particularly if you actually know what you’re doing.”
“Morgenstern.” LeBlanc’s mouth twisted slightly. “Ol’ Mabel may have a lot of great qualities, but running a dining room ain’t one of them. Come to think of it, I’m not real sure what the others might be.”
Kit swallowed hard as the butterflies took another pass around her stomach. The Rose was nothing like Antonio’s Fine Mexican Cuisine. Her mom wasn’t around to pick up the slack if she had any problems, and the customers undoubtedly wouldn’t cut her a break if she screwed up. She peeked out the kitchen door toward the hostess station. Four women in Ralph Lauren were staring around the dining room, obviously trying to locate someone who could give them a table.
“Show time,” Kit whispered, assuming her best professional smile.
By the end of the lunch shift, Kit had come to two firm conclusions—the Rose could be the best restaurant in Konigsburg with a little work, and two servers weren’t enough.
After the first half hour, she’d been dividing her time between seating customers, pouring water, tea and coffee, and occasionally helping Gabriel clear tables, which meant discouraging his not-particularly-subtle passes and avoiding the occasional wandering hand.
After his fifth attempt to impress her with muttered promises of his sexual stamina, Kit’s patience snapped. “Listen, kid, I’m old enough to be your big sister,” she snarled. “And if you don’t stop hitting on me and start doing the work you’re paid for, you’ll be looking for alternative employment as a boy soprano. Now zip it!”
Gabriel had given her his version of puppy eyes, but Kit ignored him. She didn’t have time for hurt feelings. Hell, she didn’t have time to breathe!
Ms. Mabel Morgenstern had looked in during the height of the rush, waving cheerfully when she saw Kit with a water pitcher but wisely choosing not to stop for a chat. Other than that, she saw no one but customers and wait staff.
She soon figured out that Elaine was at the beginning of what passed for her food service career. She was sweet and friendly and likeable
Reshonda Tate Billingsley