100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It
and hair for fifteen min-
    utes to one hour. The longer you leave it on, the better your results will be.
    Then wash the oils out with a mild organic shampoo. You may need to wash
    twice to get the oils completely out of your hair.
    Save any leftover mix in a sealed bottle at room temperature. You can
    use the oil treatment once or twice a week to keep your new hair soft
    and flexible, and continue to use it well into your “luxurious locks” phase.
    This mixture will help your hair strands and will also help to condition the
    scalp, allowing you to provide a healthy “growing field” for your precious
    little sprouts.
    100 Perks of Having Cancer
    Don’t wash your hair every day if possible. When that fuzz showed up I
    couldn’t wait to go out and buy ten different shampoos and matching con-
    ditioners so I could actually wash my “hair” (to use the term loosely). But
    your shampoos can’t compete with the natural oils that your scalp produces,
    as they are the number-one best oils to nourish your scalp and hair. If you
    wash your head every day, you will be stripping those beneficial oils away.
    Let’s face it: how dirty can peach fuzz get anyway?
    Only brush your hair twice a day using a soft brush or wide-toothed comb.
    Frequent brushing and tugging might be pulling out hair that isn’t ready to
    leave your scalp. And that’s just plain mean!
    Yes, having your hair back is very exciting, but take it slow and treat it
    right. Baby your baby hair, baby. Those tender first strands will grow up to
    be hair that would make even Rapunzel jealous. (Note: These healthy hair-
    growing tips are meant for HEAD hair only.)

    Perk #9
    I Got to Try Out
    New Eyebrow Shapes
    Y ou don’t realize how important eyebrows are to your look until you lose
    them. That became obvious to me shortly after I lost my eyebrows due
    to chemo. Kaitlyn was telling me about her weekend plans, and I looked at
    her with “raised eyebrows” in order to communicate to her: “Oh, so you
    really think I am going to let you go on a road trip with your friends?”
    While this was the effect I was going for:
    This is how I actually looked:
    So, needless to say, without my eyebrows to communicate my displeas-
    ure, she ended up going on the road trip.
    A similar incident happened about a week later. I went to Donovan’s
    room to look for my phone charger and was horrified at the mess I saw
    I 43 J

    100 Perks of Having Cancer
    there. I looked at him with “furrowed eyebrows” to show my displeasure
    and let him know it was time to clean up. However, rather than this:

    I looked more like this:
    Without my eyebrows to back me up, it was pointless to tell him to clean
    his room.
    So I figured it was high time I invested in eyebrow cosmetics and exper-
    imented with some new looks. I tried:
    The McDonald’s arches
    The Jack-O-Lantern
    The fuzzy caterpillar

    Perk #9: I Got to Try Out New Eyebrow Shapes
    But finally settled on this look:
    If you are in the market
    for new brows, try an
    eyebrow powder, which
    looks more natural than
    an eyebrow pencil.
    Would You Raise Your Eyebrows
    if I Offered You Some Weed?
    W hat if I told you that one of the healthiest foods found anywhere can
    most likely be found on your front lawn? Can you guess what it is?
    Hint: It’s the one plant that you curse at daily, spend hundreds of dollars
    to kill, and is the top reason for widespread outdoor chemical use.
    Yes, dandelions!
    Poor dandelions get a bad rap. No one likes seeing them in
    their yard, and, with nicknames like blowball, swine snout,
    and cankerwort, it’s no wonder why you may have left this
    plant off your shopping list.
    Dandelion leaves are loaded with vitamins and iron,
    and there’s not a bad thing I can say about them. One
    cup of chopped dandelion leaves contains only 25
    skinny little calories, no fat, and 535 percent of the
    recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin K. Vita-
    min K is

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