Paging Dr. Hot

Free Paging Dr. Hot by Sophia Knightly

Book: Paging Dr. Hot by Sophia Knightly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Knightly
second-guessed him every step of the way. Then you acted like he wasn’t a real doctor. I hate to tell you this, but you were a little rude to him.”
    I groan. “He was rude to me too. I didn’t appreciate his comment about the shrink. Anyway, who knew he’d be so sensitive?”
    “I don’t know what you’re complaining about. I’m the patient and I thought he was kind and caring.” Fizzy gets a dreamy look on her face and I know she’s up to something. “Harrison can take care of me anytime …he has such big strong hands, yet his touch is so gentle.”
    “Stop already. I know he has amazing hands,” I wail. “You’re making me feel worse. I should apologize to him, right?”
    “Damn right. I wouldn’t be surprised if Harrison tells Chloe he never wants to see you again.”
    “Not if I apologize to him first.”
    The doorbell rings and we both jump.
    “Here’s your chance,” Fizzy crows.
    “I hope it’s not Harrison. I was hoping he’d cool off first.”
    Fizzy starts clucking and flapping her crooked arms.
    “So I’m a chicken. What else is new?” I ask.
    Fizzy darts up from her chair and races to get the door before me. She flings it open and Harrison is standing there.
    “You’re back!” Fizzy exclaims. She claps a hand over her scarlet mouth to muffle her giggles. “Boy, are you a glutton for punishment.”
    Not cracking a smile, Harrison looks straight at me.

Romeo: Grrrr… What a fiasco! Francesca’s antics are going to make me lose the best doctor I’ve ever had. She had the nerve to second-guess my hero and now he’s mad at her. I don’t blame him one bit.
    I agree with Fizzy—Harrison has magical hands. When he pets me I go into a trance. Scout is one lucky dog.
    Lady, you better grovel at Harrison’s feet and make it up to him, especially since he came back. Otherwise, I’ll take matters into my own paws.

Chapter Seven
    “You were right about Harrison,” I tell Chloe over the cell phone. “He’s great.”
    I’m in my little white VW Jetta on my way to the hospital to visit Elise. Chloe and I have been chatting and catching up.
    “I knew you two would hit it off,” Chloe gloats, relishing her victory.
    “Well…” I pause. “We’re okay now, but he got mad at me yesterday ’cause I insisted that Fizzy had to see a real doctor for her injured thumb.”
    “Frankie!” she exclaims in a pained voice. “What is your problem? Harrison is a real doctor. He’s smart and he’s a super vet. How could you do that?”
    “I feel bad about it, but he wasn’t very nice to me either. When I told him I was once referred to a plastic surgeon for a cut, he said they should’ve sent me to a shrink instead!”
    Chloe chuckles. “He doesn’t mince words, does he? You must have really riled him up.”
    “I guess. Anyway, I apologized when he came by later to drop off an ointment for Fizzy. He stayed a while and chilled with us…and I enjoyed getting to know him better.”
    “When are you gonna see him again?” I can hear the eagerness in Chloe’s voice.
    “Maybe tomorrow,” I say, nonchalant. “This morning I was reading Dr. Escobar’s heart health column and I realized I haven’t been exercising enough.”
    “Here we go again. Dr. Escobar this and Dr. Escobar that,” she interrupts in a singsong voice. “Why do you worship the man so much?”
    “I don’t worship him, I think he’s brilliant. I’ve learned a lot from his column.”
    “Yeah, you’ve told me that before,” she reminds me.
    “Anyway, I called Harrison to see if he wanted to jog together before work.”
    “You did?” Chloe’s voice perks up. “What did he say?”
    “He didn’t answer, so I left a voice mail.”
    “Are you flirting with him?”
    “No, I’m just being neighborly. Do you think he’ll get the wrong idea?”
    “I sure hope so. You need to buy a few jogging outfits. The sexier, the better. Harrison may be a vet, but he appreciates a cute figure when he sees one. And

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