The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa: Volume Eight

Free The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa: Volume Eight by Chögyam Trungpa

Book: The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa: Volume Eight by Chögyam Trungpa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chögyam Trungpa
Tags: Tibetan Buddhism
Larry Mermelstein, Ms. Emily Hilburn, and Mrs. Hazel Bercholz.
    We thank as well the many other readers who took time to review and comment on the final manuscript: Mr. Marvin Casper, Mr. Michael Chender, Lodrö Dorje, Dr. Larry Dossey, Dr. Wendy Goble, Dr. James Green, Miss Lynn Hildebrand, Miss Lynn Milot, Ms. Susan Purdy, Mr. Eric Skjei, Mrs. Susan Niemack Skjei, Mr. Joseph Spieler, Mr. Jeff Stone, and Mr. Joshua Zim. We particularly thank Dr. Goble for her careful copyediting of the text.
    The blocks of calligraphic script that appear in this book are from a text of Shambhala. The excerpts and their translation are included in the copyright of this book.
    It is impossible to express adequate thanks to the author—both for his vision in presenting the Shambhala teachings and for the privilege of assisting him with the editing of this book. In addition to working closely with the editors on the manuscript, he seemed able to provide an atmosphere of magic and power that pervaded and inspired this project. This is a somewhat outrageous thing to say, but once having read this book, perhaps the reader will find it not so strange a statement. It felt as though the author empowered this text so that it could rise above the poor vision of its editors and proclaim its wisdom. We hope only that we have not obstructed or weakened the power of these teachings. May they help to liberate all beings from the warring evils of the setting sun.
Boulder, Colorado
October 1983

    I AM SO DELIGHTED to be able to present the vision of Shambhala in this book. It is what the world needs and what the world is starved for. I would like to make it clear, however, that this book does not reveal any of the secrets from the Buddhist tantric tradition of Shambhala teachings, nor does it present the philosophy of the Kalacakra. Rather, this book is a manual for people who have lost the principles of sacredness, dignity, and warriorship in their lives. It is based particularly on the principles of warriorship as they were embodied in the ancient civilizations of India, Tibet, China, Japan, and Korea. This book shows how to refine one’s way of life and how to propagate the true meaning of warriorship. It is inspired by the example and the wisdom of the great Tibetan king, Gesar of Ling—his inscrutability and fearlessness and the way in which he conquered barbarianism by using the principles of Tiger, Lion, Garuda, Dragon (Tak, Seng, Khyung, Druk), which are discussed in this book as the four dignities.
    I am honoured and grateful that in the past I have been able to present the wisdom and dignity of human life within the context of the religious teachings of Buddhism. Now it gives me tremendous joy to present the principles of Shambhala warriorship and to show how we can conduct our lives as warriors with fearlessness and rejoicing, without destroying one another. In this way, the vision of the Great Eastern Sun (Sharchen Nyima) can be promoted, and the goodness in everyone’s heart can be realised without doubt.
Boulder, Colorado
August 1983

Part One


    From the great cosmic mirror
    Without beginning and without end,
    Human society became manifest.
    At that time liberation and confusion arose.
    When fear and doubt occurred
    Toward the confidence which is primordially free,
    Countless multitudes of cowards arose.
    When the confidence which is primordially free
    Was followed and delighted in,
    Countless multitudes of warriors arose.
    Those countless multitudes of cowards
    Hid themselves in caves and jungles.
    They killed their brothers and sisters and ate their flesh,
    They followed the example of beasts,
    They provoked terror in each other;
    Thus they took their own lives.
    They kindled a great fire of hatred,
    They constantly roiled the river of lust,
    They wallowed in the mud of laziness:
    The age of famine and plague arose.
    Of those who were dedicated to the

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