Truth Undressed (Exposed Series, #3)

Free Truth Undressed (Exposed Series, #3) by Hazel Kelly

Book: Truth Undressed (Exposed Series, #3) by Hazel Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hazel Kelly
Objectification is not.
    So figure out who’s “off limits” based on this criteria and
respect that.
    Then, while you’re at it, take a moment to think about which of
your male friends are the type that lose all respect for women after they hook
up with them, and do yourself a favor. Vow never to fool around with them
either. Because it will mess up your friendship. Trust me. I learned this the
hard way. More than once.
    Anyway, when taking on a less experienced partner, just follow
the Golden Rule. Because people are delicate, especially when they’re naked and
vulnerable. And no matter how shocked you might be to discover that someone has
less experience than you, cultivate a default reaction of compassion and
    And for the love of god, never laugh at a man when he’s
naked whether he’s just baring his soul or a whole lot more. The only appropriate
reaction to a naked man is to be both excited and impressed. And if you aren’t,
you ought to reconsider taking things further. Preferably while putting your
clothes back on.
    Finally, should your inexperienced partner enjoy himself too
much too soon, try to avoid using the phrase “don’t worry, it happens to lots
of guys.” The reason being that comments like this do nothing but mislead and
discourage him while demeaning you.
    That being said, have fun with beginners. They’re often eager to
learn and best of all, eager to please.

15: Kate
    I dropped my beer can a full two seconds before Danielle did.
    “I can’t believe how much beer you just wasted. You poured half
of it out on the lawn!” I said, pointing to the puddle at her feet. “I’m never shot
gunning with you again.”
    Danielle bent over and put her hands on her knees. Which was
standard. Even the little bit of beer that she’d swallowed might not stay
there. Her gag reflex was extremely delicate. As a result, not only did she eat
painfully slow, like, all the time, but I was also pretty confident that she’d
never binged and purged.
    She stood up and looked at me.
    “Let me guess, you’re shitfaced?”
    “Nearly,” she said. “Let’s get another, but not for shot gunning
this time.”
    “Okay,” I said, putting my arm over her shoulder and heading
back inside.
    I don’t know if it was just me, but it seemed our parties had
evolved in recent months. People were becoming more relaxed about who was
welcome in their homes and stuff, which was nice. I liked to think it was because
we were all getting older and wiser in the face of our impending graduation.
    However, maybe it was just a side effect of the fact that the
parties were getting wilder, too. We were all getting a little drunker and
staying out a little later. It was like everyone’s parents felt like they’d
gotten us close enough to the finish line that we could probably make it from
    A few parents hadn’t loosened the reigns, but it seemed so
ridiculous. Like, why sink your claws into your kid when they’re just trying to
have a good time? Especially when six months down the road they’re going to be
doing whatever they want and whoever they want whenever they want. Seemed to me
that starting to let go was better for everybody.
    Then again, when I saw the wobbly stances and blood shot eyes of
the people in the kitchen, it occurred to me that maybe we weren’t all equally ready
to be unleashed on the world.
    There was a flip cup tournament going on around the butcher
block led by none other than Ian. Just the sight of him made my skin crawl now
like I needed to take a shower. He was standing next to some junior bustdown.
She wasn’t even playing the game, just ogling him and filling up his beer.
    Behind them, three guys huddled around the sink doing waterfalls-
or as I heard them say- “getting catatonic.” This involved taking turns huffing
weed from a plastic two liter bottle and coughing like pussies. And if their
slitty eyes were anything to go by, the shit they were smoking

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