Under His Kilt

Free Under His Kilt by Melissa Blue

Book: Under His Kilt by Melissa Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Blue
    “You chickened out on asking me a question earlier at the museum. You know history as well as I do. Yet, you’re curious about mores? Ask.”
    Well, there was her in and no way to back out now without reaffirming her chicken status. “I’ve only ever been in monogamous relationships. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here, with us. Are you supposed to go with me to get a dog? Buy my dog stuff?”
    He shrugged slowly. “I’ve made this confusing to some extent, but we’re dating, in a way. It’s not going anywhere. We’ll end and we know that date. But, I can do things like this for you and you for me, if you want. Does that help?”
    No, because no matter what he said Ian shouldn’t have been there, having this quiet moment with her. Not if they’d end. She wasn’t built for affairs. If that didn’t make things any more conflicting, she felt safe with him. She’d asked for things she’d never had the balls to with any of her ex-boyfriends. She trusted he wouldn’t think less of her, wouldn’t be baffled why she wanted to explore a certain fantasy.
    Three more weeks and then she’d have to find someone else who’d stay, who’d make her feel safe and trust him. She’d have to scrounge up the same courage to be this woman with a new man, but then it’d matter when they had quiet moments like this. They would be building more between them instead of coming to an abrupt end. Yes, she wanted that fantasy relationship with Ian. He didn’t want a relationship, had told her from the beginning sex was all he could offer, and that knowledge dug a pit in her stomach.
    Common sense told her to end them now. Get out before things got any more confusing, but he was watching her with an intent expression, seeming to hold his breath for what she’d say next. It was dumb to read anything more into the pensive look on his face.
    So, she let out a breath and said, “What’s in the bag, Ian?”
    His mouth crooked up. “Show me to your room and I’ll show you.”
    Didn’t take long for Jocelyn to rip off her clothes and make her way to her bedroom. He followed close behind and she glanced back. He was stepping out of his underwear, bag in hand.
    She climbed into her four-poster bed, onto the soft red comforter. He was right on her heels. The plastic bag rustled as he put it down and then his hands were running up her waist, over her breasts up to her hair. She trembled. The pads of his fingertips felt like silk along her skin. They were so close they were practically spooned together.
    He loosened the band around her hair, leaned down to her ear and whispered, “I’ve a fantasy of my own.”
    His fingers continued moving up and down her skin. It was hard to concentrate with the pinpricks of sensuous caresses taking priority in her mind. His chest was hard and smooth at her back. “Oh,” she murmured.
    “Aye. Will you let me make it a reality?”
    His hands had already half-convinced her to say yes to anything, but what did he have in mind? Did she care when he plucked at her nipples until they snapped back taut? His cock a hard, concrete promise pressing at her entrance…
    No. Not really. She swallowed, because what did he fantasize about? What turned Ian on? “Yes.”
    “Lie down,” he said, but she heard the smile in his voice. “Give me a moment. I’ll be back.” The bag rustled again when he took it off the bed. “Bathroom?”
    She told him but couldn’t lay back and try to relax while the faucet turned on and off, on and off. Looking at her one wouldn’t know that it drove her a bit wild for Ian to spank her clit with his dick before driving into her hard. Damn. She was getting wet just thinking about it. In a sense, she knew getting her off got him off.
    Seriously, what the hell was he doing in the bathroom?
    The door creaked open and she laid down.
    “You know, I saw you,” he said, coming back into the room.
    She giggled and propped herself up on an elbow. “Was

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