The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945

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Book: The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945 by Adam Roberts, Vaughan Lowe, Jennifer Welsh, Dominik Zaum Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Roberts, Vaughan Lowe, Jennifer Welsh, Dominik Zaum
assessment of record 49–55
budget, GA approval of 40–1
definition 39
dues, withholding of 41, 43, 428
external accountability 40–2
GA, to 39, 40–2
give an account, duty to 39
institutional relationships 40
internal accountability 40, 42
judicial review of SC decisions 38, 41, 224
liability of SC and member states 39, 588, 598
member states, to 40–2
omissions 42
SC resolutions, non-compliance with 43
subordinate organs 39–40
territorial administration, oversight of 573–6
UN Charter 40–2
Accra III accord 482
Acheson, Dean 157, 275, 299
Addai-Sebo, Akyaaba 476
Adeniji, Oluyemi 478
Afghanistan 452–65
al-Qaeda 457, 461, 463, 594–5
Arab-Israeli wars 318–19
arms embargo 460
asset freezes (al-Qaeda and Taliban) 219, 460
Bonn Agreement (2001) 461–2, 594–5
Brahimi Report (Report of the Panel on Peace Operations) 201
ceasefires 458
Cold War 453–4, 457–8
de facto
occupation 594–5
GA 455, 458–9
GA resolutions 455, 458–9
Geneva Accords 455, 458
Guantanamo Bay 464
interim or transitional governments, setting up 461
internal war 455, 457
international humanitarian law 453–4, 464–5
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) 228, 245, 462–3, 594–5
Islamist groups 455–8
jus ad bellum
military occupations, international law on 594–6
Mujahideen 455, 458
NATO 228, 245, 462–3, 595
non-intervention principle 455
Northern Alliance 456, 458, 462
Operation Enduring Freedom 97, 595
P5 453–7, 464–5
Pakistan 456, 461
peacekeeping operations 185, 201, 462
policy, development of 454–9
prisoners, massacre of 464–5
Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) 462–3
radical groups 455–8, 461
reconstruction 459, 461–3
Russia 457
sanctions 457, 459–61
Saudi Arabia, US troops in 456, 457
SC Res. 622 (1988) 455
SC Res. 1076 (1996) 456
SC Res. 1193 (1998) 457, 460
SC Res. 1214 (1998) 460, 463, 527
SC Res. 1267 (1999) 38, 218, 460, 463, 528, 611
SC Res. 1333 (2000) 214, 219, 459, 460, 463, 523, 611
SC Res. 1363 (2001) 221, 611, 614
SC Res. 1378 (2001) 523, 524
SC Res. 1386 (2001) 170, 461, 522
SC Res. 1390 (2002) 219
SC Res. 1401 (2002) 462, 595
SC Res. 1510 (2003) 462
SC Res. 1662 (2006) 522
SC Res. 1746 (2006) 595
Secretary-General 458
self-defence 453–4, 463–4
September 11 attacks on United States 97, 463
Six-plus-Two group 458
Soviet occupation 371–2, 454–8
Special Representative to Afghanistan 458
state sovereignty 455
Taliban 456–64, 594–5
terrorism 457, 461–5
training camps 461
UN Charter 463–4
UNAMA (UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan) 462, 595
UNGOMAP (UN Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan) 185, 455
United States 453–6, 458–65, 594
Uniting for Peace Resolution 455
UNOCA (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes in) 458
UNSMA (UN Special Mission to Afghanistan) 458
use of force 453
Uzbek Islamic Movement 457
war on terror 463–5
warlords 462
Western bloc 452, 455
see also
Angola; Benin; Comoros; Côte d’Ivoire; ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States); Guinea-Bissau; Kenya; Liberia; Namibia; Nigeria; Rhodesia; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South Africa; Sudan; West Africa
African Union 124, 506, 559–61
African Standby Force 124
Comoros 631, 632
East Africa, attacks on embassies in 218–19, 457, 461, 463, 611
France 505
Great Lakes 255–6, 491
SC Res. 1653 (2006) 523, 530
humanitarian catastrophes, dealing with 253
Libya 138–9, 211, 217–18, 610–11
mercenaries 630–4
natural resources, fights over 253
non-involvement in wars, SC 513–14
standing forces 124
aggressors, identification of 21
definition 7, 11, 35, 67–70, 627
GA Res. 3314 (1974) 627
internal armed conflicts 21
League of Nations 11, 12
mercenaries 627
Ahtisaari, Martti 186, 439
Aidid, Mohamed Farah 540, 556
Alanbrooke, Viscount 443
Al-Aqsa Intifada (Second Intifada) (2000– ) 317–20
Alatas, Ali 354
Albania 410, 423, 438, 549
Albright, Madeleine 436, 545
Alkatiri, Mári 366
Afghanistan 457,

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