A New World: Awakening

Free A New World: Awakening by John O'Brien

Book: A New World: Awakening by John O'Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: John O'Brien
    “We should divert then,” he says.   It comes out as both a statement and a question.
    “Whatever you say,” I reply.
    “That would be my choice,” Craig chimes in.   I can tell he is holding off saying anything letting Robert arrive at his own conclusion and recognizes my wanting Robert to learn to take command.
    Robert holds up the map he has sitting on the console.   He looks up and compares the map with what he sees outside.   After a moment he says, “It looks like Kirtland AFB is still in the clear.   We’ll land there.”   There was no question with that statement.
    I hold back a nod or statement of correctness.   I want him to analyze and choose an action without having my acknowledgement – own the decision and proceed with it - so that he can get used to making decisions and acting on them.   He has gained a tremendous amount of confidence, as has Bri, and they will gain more.
    The turbulence begins to increase as we draw closer to the towering line of clouds.   They are still in the distance but their height is more than impressive.   The thunderstorms in this area can reach 70,000 feet and beyond.   If you haven’t seen these kinds of storms, you should add that to your bucket list.   The power inherent within the boiling mass of clouds is impressive.   The air and land below is cloaked in dark shadows with a light show streaking from the clouds to the ground.
    Craig gathers the maps and approach charts to Kirtland AFB as the all arms and elbows show that a divert causes begins.   Robert sets up and begins a descent to the city of Albuquerque.   There is a continuing flurry of activity within the cockpit along with an increase in the bouncing of the aircraft.   Robert looks at the map between checks to find the airport.   I hold onto the back of his seat as the aircraft attempts to knock me off my feet at times.   I can tell he is trying to locate the field with the way he is holding the map up in front of his face and looking outside.
    “Ah, there it is,” I hear him say over the intercom.   With that, he sets the map down.
    “Craig, what runways are there?”   Robert asks.
    “We have 08/26, 17/35, 03/21, and 12/30,” Craig answers looking at the field diagram in the approach charts.   I’m interested in finding out which one he chooses.
    The long line of storms lies a few miles away.   I’m surprised to see them so big this early on in the day but it does happen.   Usually, squall lines like the one in front of us forms in the afternoons and evenings as the air from the heated ground rises and cools.   The turbulence we are experiencing so far out shows an unstable air mass so that must have contributed to the early rising storms.   I’m hoping we’ll be able to get down to Canon AFB in the morning.   I glance over and notice tension around Gonzalez’ eyes.   I’m not sure if it’s the flying, being nervous operating the panel, or if it’s because we are close to her home and family.
    Robert hesitates a moment deciding which runway to use.   We continue our descent.   “Which one is that longest one?”   He asks pointing outside.
    “The longest one is 08/26,” Craig answers.
    “Okay, we’ll use that one.   We’ll use runway 08 as it is closer.   I would use whichever one the wind dictates but we don’t have that information,” Robert says turning the aircraft to get into alignment with the runway.
    “That’s a good choice,” I say deciding to interject my thoughts.   “One, it is the longest and the ground level around here is over 5,000 feet high.   You know what that means, right?”
    “Longer ground roll and takeoff distances,” he answers.
    “Yep, exactly.   Plus, with the storms nearby, there is the chance one of those storms can have a downburst.   That means strong winds can head this way in a hurry from them.   I’d rather be heading into something like that rather than away when landing,” I add.   I see the wheels

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