Hot as Hades

Free Hot as Hades by Cynthia Rayne

Book: Hot as Hades by Cynthia Rayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Rayne
new family,” Eddie said, patting the redhead on the hand.
    “Really, thank you for the offer, but my schedule is going to be a little crazy,” Daisy said. “I don’t think they’ll be much time for fun.”
    Elizabeth whipped out a piece of paper and wrote out her name and phone number before handing it to Daisy. “Keep this just in case you change your mind.”
    Voodoo sauntered over to the table.
    “Okay,” Eddie said, clapping her hands together. “We’ll go so you can eat in peace, but don’t think for a minute you’ll be able to dodge our invites for long,” she admonished.
    They scooted out of the booth and Eddie gave Voodoo a big hug. He kissed both of her cheeks. “Did I tell you how gorgeous you look tonight?” he asked.
    Eddie did a little twirl. “No, but feel free to compliment me all you like.”
    “Ah, you look scrumptious, good enough to eat,” Voodoo murmured, his eyes appreciatively sliding over her. With a wink, Eddie strolled back to Captain’s table, Elizabeth trailing behind her.
    Daisy didn’t miss the way the president’s eyes narrowed on Voodoo. Hmm? Maybe he had a thing for Eddie?
    Voodoo slipped into her booth, then. “Are you hungry, ma belle?” Voodoo prompted.
    “Don’t try to sweet talk me. You gave Cowboy my key.” She scowled at him.
    “I don’t understand your pique,” he countered. “You and I had no agreement. No oath.” He shrugged. “One cannot betray another when they have not reached an accord.”
    Dammit . She really hated it when people she was pissed at had a good argument. “I guess,” she growled.
    “However, I made a vow to the Four Horsemen and that can never be broken. In the future, it would be wise to assume everyone has a hidden agenda, as well as loyalties. It might save your life.”
    Actually? That was some damn good advice. “I will.”
     “Fortunately for you, your current agenda and the Horsemen’s happen to match. You and I are now on the same team.”
    “Maybe,” she grudgingly admitted.
    He turned his head to the side, assessing her. “I tell you what. I will whip you up some macaroni et fromage and all will be forgotten. Yes?”
    “ Fromage ?”
    “The French term for cheese,” he explained. “I didn’t learn English until I started school. Frankly, I still prefer French.”
    She could see why, he had a beautiful accent. Hmm. Mac and cheese. Her stomach rumbled at the thought. A little comfort food sounded pretty damn good. Despite her better judgment, she liked Voodoo. She’d seen his scarier side, but he could be thoroughly charming when he wanted to. “Forgiven? Hardly. But you’d be on the road to it.”
    Voodoo laughed before heading to the kitchen. He busied himself by boiling macaroni and grating some sharp cheddar. She could see him through the kitchen window and he looked almost serene as he cooked, as though making food offered him some inner peace. She wondered if it felt like an escape from his Horsemen duties.
    She envied him that. Her world had been in an uproar since she’d gone to Afghanistan. No, before that. Since her mother, Sunny died. Maybe finding Rose would set her life back on track. She could get a fresh start, be the sister she should have been from the beginning.
    At least she hoped so.
    * * *
    Cowboy spotted Daisy seated in the diner through the window lookin’ so pretty she’d make a man plow through a stump.
    Even in jeans and a T-shirt, she stunned him. He loved having a glimpse of the real her, stripped of all pretense –no lace, no heels, no makeup. But all woman.
    She seemed preoccupied, playing with her phone and eating macaroni and cheese. He eased the door open. Then, he walked up directly behind her. Eddie, Elizabeth, and Captain were seated at another booth and he pressed a finger to his lips, in case they greeted him and spoiled the surprise.
    As he neared, he heard a pistol cock.
     She whirled around in the booth and pointed yet another gun at him. God damn. She had more

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