The Englisher

Free The Englisher by Beverly Lewis

Book: The Englisher by Beverly Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Lewis
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although he appeared to be somewhat distracted. ‘‘What was it I said I was here for?’’
    ‘‘Hames, sir.’’ Ben led the older man to the wooden boxes filled with hundreds of harness accessories.

    Esther was much too nervous to meet with her husband alone, even though she was residing in the safety of Irvin and Julia Ranck’s home. She had confided her greatest fears to Julia, expressing what a frightening thing it was to be so displaced. Julia kindly agreed that she and Irvin should definitely accompany Zeke upstairs to meet his newest daughter.
    Twenty-day-old Essie Ann lay sleeping soundly in her arms. Esther made an attempt to will her heart not to beat so hard, gazing at her beautiful baby girl. ‘‘Your dat’s comin’ up here to meet ya,’’ she whispered in the pink little ear. ‘‘He loves ya so. . . .’’
    Well, she was ever so sure Zeke did love their wee babe Essie—or would. She just didn’t know for certain how much Zeke loved her. Not after raising a hand to her. Not after she’d run off to Rancks’ to have his baby. Run off and never told Zeke where she could be found . . . secretly hoping he wouldn’t find her at all. Yet he’d tracked her down all the same. Came right out looking for her at Julia’s, after the horse went trotting over to Irvin’s tack shop instead of heading on home the way she thought for sure it would. Had it not been for Ben Martin, Zeke might not have figured out where she and the children were staying for quite some time.
    But now she was about to present little Essie Ann to him. The sound of voices downstairs put Esther on edge all the more. Ach, my life might’ve been easier if I’d never gone to that first singing seven years ago. . . .

    Mamma had been hesitant about having her go that September evening, the first Sunday following Esther’s sixteenth birthday, pleading with Dat to think hard about having their daughter stay home for a few more months . . . ‘‘till she’s older.’’ Worries plagued Mamma for a full week before the barn singing. ‘‘Seems a body ought to know when her daughter’s ready to be out alone with a boy nearly all night,’’ Esther overheard her mother telling Dat. But Esther’s father wouldn’t hear of it. Sixteen was the ‘‘appropriate’’ age when such things were expected to take place. Tradition reigned.
    Esther remembered fretting over what to wear and had ended up choosing her plum-colored cape dress, which her mother said made her blue eyes look even bluer, her ‘‘perty golden hair’’ fairer.
    She met Ezekiel Hochstetler that night, a boy from Honey Brook, who some of the other youth whispered was ‘‘too far away from the Paradise church district to be included.’’ Yet there he was, participating in the activities, along with the pairing up. Ezekiel took one long look at Esther and made it clear he had to have what he saw, and there was no turning back for either of them.
    She let herself breathe deeply now, in and out slowly, so as not to awaken the little one who slept peacefully— innocently —on her lap.
    I must be calm. Must smile convincingly when I see Zeke again. Oh, dear Lord, I must .

Chapter 7
    L ouisa, Annie, and Courtney stopped at the food court for cookies and a warm soft pretzel at Auntie Anne’s Cafein the Rockvale Square Outlet mall. Annie was still waiting in line for some hot cocoa, not the smooth espresso mochas Louisa and Courtney had chosen. ‘‘We’ll grab a table,’’ Louisa told Annie, motioning for Courtney to join her.
    On the way to the table, Courtney said, ‘‘I wasn’t going to say anything, but I think you probably suspect it already.’’
    ‘‘What’re you talking about?’’ Louisa sat down.
    Courtney’s eyes were blinking too fast. ‘‘Let’s see . . . how do I put this?’’
    ‘‘Just say it.’’
    ‘‘I think you’re too comfortable here. I mean, what are you really doing? Did you have to come to Amish country to run

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