Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship

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Book: Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship by Jack Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Frost
Holy Spirit gives us the inner assurance that we are children of God. And because we are children of God, we are also heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. To be led by the Spirit of God means to be subject to Father’s mission, and our perfect example for this is the life of Jesus, our Elder Brother. How did Jesus view His mission? He had only one mission—the mission given Him by His Father: “I
tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only do what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the
Father does the Son also does”
(John 5:19). And Jesus was completely faithful to Father’s mission. The night before He was crucified, He prayed:
“I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave Me to do”
(John 17:4).
    Everything we see in Christ we are heirs to as Christians. The goal of our Christian life is to become like Jesus. But we don’t become like Jesus by focusing our lives on Jesus; we become like Jesus by focusing our lives on what Jesus focused His life on. And Jesus focused His life on being a Son and revealing the Father and His love so that a world of spiritual orphans could become sons and daughters. Jesus wasn’t sinless because He was God; it wasn’t His divinity that made Him the man He was. Jesus was the man He was because of the Father He had. The person each of us becomes will be determined by who we focus our life on.
    A little later in His prayer, Jesus prayed for all His followers:
    I have given them the glory that You gave Me, that they may be one as We are one: I in them and You in Me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me
(John 17:22-23).
    The whole mission of creation is about receiving love and bringing us into unity. That is why Jesus commanded us to love each other as a testimony to the world (see John 13:34-35). Father’s mission is that the entire world experience His love by the love that flows in and through us as we receive His love and give it to the next person we meet. That is our mission in life. It is what we were created for. Every fiber of our being was created to receive love and give it away. Nothing in life is more natural than walking in the love of our Father and passing that unconditional love on to others. On the contrary, the orphan spirit is unnatural, and causes us to be unnatural as long as we allow it to influence us.
    We will be subject to one of these two missions—the Father’s mission or satan’s mission—depending on the choices we make. So, choose Father’s mission. Follow Jesus’ example and focus your life upon being a son, finding life and peace. Be a gift of love to the next person you meet.

    F or a seaman looking to escape an impending storm, nothing is more comforting than reaching safe harbor.
    In Antarctica, safe harbor for a sailing vessel can be hard to find because almost everywhere you go along the Antarctic Peninsula you encounter nothing but sheer mountainous cliffs, icebergs, and glaciers calving at the water’s edge. In addition to the ice, weather conditions can change without warning, in an instant turning the most beautiful scenery on earth into the most treacherous and life threatening. A sudden drop in temperature or change in wind direction can turn a safe anchorage into a deadly trap as encroaching pack ice and bergs threaten to crush the hull of any small boat unlucky enough to get caught there.
    One secure anchorage that has a small sheltered cove is Port Charcot. Named for a French explorer, Port Charcot was a welcome safe harbor during our eight-man sailing expedition to Antarctica where we pulled in shortly before a snowstorm hit. Allaround us the ice floes froze up causing us to spend two days there among the penguin colonies.
    Finally, when the ice began to clear as shifting winds pushed it away from the coastline, the captain told us that we had a 14-to

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