The Black Chapel

Free The Black Chapel by Marilyn Cruise

Book: The Black Chapel by Marilyn Cruise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Cruise
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
grabs me by the elbow and takes me into her over-stuffed office. “Sit down,” she says.
    Shit, does she know about Michael and I? I’m nervous.
    “Mr. Manning is being very persistent in asking for Samantha’s information. I don’t want to make him wait any longer. I need to know your decision today,” Laila says, sounding like she’s restraining her voice from yelling at me.
    “Oh,” I say, extremely relieved that she doesn’t know my secret. “I’ve thought about it and I don’t think I’d like to give him my information. It’s just not the right time for me right now.”
    Obviously, Laila had back up plans for me. “Would you consider meeting him in the Sanctuary at least?”
    The Sanctuary is the private room where, though there is no sex involved, there is a whole lot of other stuff going on. I’ve never been in the Sanctuary, and up until now, I had promised myself I’d never enter.
    He would surely recognize me if he got me in there so close, kissing… touching… fondling… I can se in my mind’s eye the whole disaster unfolding -my mask slipping off, him recognizing my kisses..—I feel my blood go to my head.
    “Well?” Laila looks impatient. “I haven’t got all day, Scarlett. Let’s do this, shall me?”
    “Can I keep my clothes on?” I ask.
    “I’ll leave that up to you,” Laila huffs.
    “And my mask, can I leave my mask on?”
    “Also up to you.” Laila props her elbows on the desk and folds her arms. “Well?”
    I hesitate, but then I think of his hands on my body, him wanting me. I’ll just have to be extra careful to not be myself when I’m in the Sanctuary with Michael. I spit out a yes .
    “Thank you. I know this is probably beyond your comfort level, but I can guarantee you, it will mean a whole other level of living and income for you,” Laila says.
    “And for you, too,” I say, lifting my right eyebrow.
    “Yes,” Laila says dryly. She stands up, and locates her clipboard. “He’s already here waiting for you. Do your first number, Angel of Mercy , and I’ll cancel the rest of your numbers so you can be with Mr. Manning. He wants you in the Angel costume.”
    I’m panicking now. So soon? “Aren’t you going to train me first?” I ask. Normally there is a one-week training period for all girls entering the Sanctuary.
    “No time.” Laila slams the door behind her and the Christmas bell wreath jingles. She opens the door again and says, “When the lights go up in the Sanctuary, your time is up.” She shuts the door again.
    Oh, dear. What have I done? He’ll recognize me, I’m sure. I haven’t even had time to process this. Ok, I’ll have to dim the lights sufficiently and keep my distance. Yeah, right, my mind says. But I’ll use my stage voice and apply a couple of other tricks that might work. Maybe he won’t recognize me. Oh, this is very bad.
    In the dressing room, when I’m getting ready to perform, I spray on a different perfume than I normally wear—Anne’s. I insert purple colored contact lenses and do a heavy-duty make-up job.
    “I hear you have a private meeting?” Anne, wearing her Naughty Little Elf costume, says and sits down next to me.
    I break down. “What do I do? He’ll recognize me, I’m sure of it.”
    “No he won’t. Just act differently. Use your angel voice and you’ll be fine. Trust me. I’ve done it a million times.”
    “Are you sure?” I ask. “I’m starting to get confused.” I huff. “And Laila didn’t even train me yet.”
    She turns to me. “Honey, here are the rules of the Sanctuary: Don’t be yourself. Don’t let yourself fall for this man. It will only end in heartbreak for you, so keep your professional distance. Just go with the flow, and never, ever let your guard down. Got it?”
    I frown.
    “You haven’t already fallen for him, have you?” Anne asks.
    “No,” I say. “But I—” I stop. I can’t explain it. I really, really like Michael, and I can’t get enough of him.

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