Coming Home

Free Coming Home by Brenda Cothern

Book: Coming Home by Brenda Cothern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Cothern
like the creek, his living room floor was defiantly not the place to explore that avenue.
Chase's cock was rock hard poking out of the waist of his jeans, when he stood back up and led them to his bedroom. He did not bother to turn on a light in the room when he sat on the bed to remove his boots. Once they were off, he shucked his jeans and socks and stood naked as the day he was born in front of Brad.
Brad stood to the side of the bedroom door and watched as the man undressed. He took in every movement that the minimal light from the hall revealed and tried to keep his nerves in check. He had seen how big Chase's cock was when he gave the man head and had no doubts about who was to be the 'fuckee' in this situation.
It couldn't be that painful, could it? Surely not all gay guys who took it up the ass were masochists .
Brad tried not to think about how much this might actually hurt as he stepped in front of Chase and held out his bound hands.
Chase untied the rope that was around Brad's wrists. The guy's first fuck should be one where he wasn't tied up. Although the idea aroused Chase even more.
Chase stood and the hard on that rubbed against his own groin when they embraced made Brad relax a little. Chase remembered his first time as a bottom but he had already been in a relationship with his lover f o r months before they had progressed to this point. He would know soon enough if this was something Brad would enjoy or not.
Deep, hungry kisses were exchanged while Chase turned them so that Brad's legs were now against the side of the bed. Without breaking the kiss that was comprised of dueling tongues, teeth, and lips, Chase used his chest to push Brad down onto the bed.
"Just lay back," Chase told Brad as he pulled away from the mouth that was consuming him.
Brad was splayed across the bed, knees hanging over the side, as Chase knelt between his legs. The hard cock before him only proved that Brad was turned on by the prospect of being fucked. As one hand grasped that cock and guided it to his lips, the other opened his nightstand drawer. He sucked Brad into his mouth as his hand felt around for the bottle of Glide that he knew was there. Brad's hips thrust upward and Chase took the extra length into his mouth smoothly, like he done the last time, as he set the bottle on the bed beside him.
Brad tried to ignore the feel of the cool bottle that was now resting against his hip. He knew what that bottle represented but he pushed that thought away and concentrated on Chase's warm mouth enveloping him. He had asked to be shown and he'd be damned if he chickened out now.
Chase's hand continued to stroke the hard cock that was in his mouth while the other massaged the heavy sack that rested in the palm of his hand.
Brad practically melted under the attention that Chase was giving him and he did not even realize that he was pushing down against the finger that was applying subtle pressure against his hole.
Chase withdrew his mouth from Brad's cock and licked his tongue down the hard shaft until he could easily suck Brad's sack into his mouth. First one ball then the other, letting his spit drool down to the finger that had been teasing the tight hole before him. Even as he continued to stroke Brad with his free hand, he rubbed circles around the tight portal before him while he caressed the sack with his mouth.
Brad was in heaven, pure fucking I-have-diedand-gone-to-heaven, as a result of Chase's expert mouth pleasuring him. So great was this feeling that Brad did not even realize when one of Chase's long, thick fingers penetrated his most intimate place.
Brad's head was thrown back and he thrust his hips in an effort to feel more… more of everything.
Chase brought his mouth back to the head of Brad's cock as he added a second finger to the first. He was not sure if it was his mouth or the addition of the second finger that caused the loud moan to escape from Brad's throat but the noise made his own cock throb painfully. Going

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