Addy And The Smart Guy (Big Girl Panties #3)

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Book: Addy And The Smart Guy (Big Girl Panties #3) by Carter Ashby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carter Ashby
delight. She hit the water and flipped backward into the three foot deep water. She came up sputtering and laughing and turned into Grey's arms. His hair was wet, his smile full of the same child-like glee that hers held. She kissed him quickly before wading out of the pool.
    "That was fun," she said. "Totally fun. I wanna go again."
    He nodded. "Let's go down together this time."
    They went down four more times, but then the slide no longer seemed worth the price of climbing the stairs. She noticed Grey slightly limping, though he didn't complain. He had a long, white scar down his left shin from the surgeries to repair his shin after getting shot.  
    They went to the wave pool and just swam for a while. Then they floated around the river. But after that, there wasn't much left to do. She caught him squinting in the direction of the concession stand. "Want a hot dog?" she asked.
    "Yes, I do."
    So they ate junk food, then lounged under a cabana in the mist, holding hands and talking about anything and everything.  
    They didn't change back into their clothes to go home. They walked back into Grey's cabin in nothing but their bathing suits and fell onto the sofa in each other's arms. They wound up rolling onto the floor to make love. Afterward, he held her close, and she smiled against his warm chest. "Best day ever," she muttered.
    "I agree."


    Grey lay on his side staring at the smooth, curve of her back, in the early morning shafts of sunlight. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever met. He wanted so badly to start kissing her, but her breathing was slow and even. She'd certainly earned her sleep.  
    He rolled out of bed, put on his sweat pants, and headed to the kitchen. Pancakes. He'd make her pancakes and bring them to her in bed. Yet another first for him. He was shocked to discover how little affection he'd shown to his previous girlfriends; how little affection they'd shown to him. It begged the question: what was so different about this girl that he suddenly felt the desire to make pancakes for her?
    He filled a tray with pancakes, milk, coffee, and fresh strawberries. She was already stirring when he walked in. She inhaled deeply. "Coffee?" she moaned. She opened her eyes and hurriedly sat up, tucking the pillows behind her, tugging the blanket up over her chest. "Breakfast in bed?"
    He set the tray over her thighs and crawled into bed next to her, kissing her shoulder. "What should we do today?" he asked.
    "I don't know. I feel like I could stay in bed all day."
    "Then we'll stay in bed all day."  
    They ate pancakes and had coffee. Then he sat the tray on the floor and made love to her. They slept, woke up, made love again. Then they showered and dressed. She wore another, pretty sundress and some low heels. Her hair was back up. He had on designer jeans, a button-down cotton shirt and a tie. They stood in his hallway staring at each other.
    "What are we doing?" she asked, giving his tie a tug. "I just spent forty-five minutes on my hair so we could go listen to a lecture at a museum that neither of us wants to go to."
    How did she know he didn't want to go? "What would you rather do?" he asked, hoping it would be something involving that bikini he'd seen her in yesterday.
    She hitched a shoulder. "I don't know. I just know I want to have fun with you, Grey. I get you for this week only, right? Never again? I want it to be fun." She fisted her hands in his shirt and leaned into him.  
    He kissed her, sweeping his tongue across her incredible lips. "All right," he said, his voice husky. She was stealing his breath at every turn. "What's fun?"
    "That's a good question."
    He slipped his arm around her waist and led her to the kitchen table, pushing her into a seat. He retrieved two pads of paper and two pens, one for each of them. "Okay, here's what we'll do. We'll each make a list of all the things we never got do do as kids, then we'll go from there to see if there's anything we wanna try.

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