Freeing the Feline

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Book: Freeing the Feline by Lacey Thorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Thorn
Tags: paranormal erotic romance, shapeshifter
    “Who is that?” Logan asked.
    “My mother,” Amia whispered so low Logan had to strain to hear. “She’s talking to my mother.” And just like that Amia went down.
    Reno roared and shoved his way to her, sweeping her up from the floor where she’d crumpled and curling her against his chest. He turned to glare at Logan before turning to Tah.
    “We’ll talk later.” With that he whisked Amia away.
    “Amia’s mom is alive?” Logan asked.
    Tah stared hard at him. “It’s your mate talking to her. Shit, we knew Clara was keeping something from us, but this? She should have told Amia.”
    “And when did you give her a chance? Any of you? When you were roaring at her in that meeting you held? The one where everyone in the goddamn room was sided against her? When you had her locked in a room for a week? You went to talk to her then, didn’t you? Gave her a chance to talk? No, that’s right. You didn’t give a fuck about her. So when was she supposed to tell any of you a damn thing?”
    “Stand down, Logan. Amia’s reeling to the point she just passed the fuck out. I’m sure hearing her mother’s voice was the last thing she expected when she left that phone for Clara. Amia’s upset right now which means Reno’s upset, as well. What a fucking mess!”
    The conversation began playing again, and Logan realized they’d recorded it. He might not have soaked in all that was said, but he had heard one thing loud and clear. She’d told the woman she was talking to, Amia’s mom, that she was home. She’d found her mate, and she was home. That was all he cared about at the moment. He turned angry eyes back on Tah.
    “Then I guess Amia shouldn’t have pretended to be friendly with Clara only to set her up. Clara gave you the information you needed to help Abby and probably saved your mate’s life. And this is how you all repay her.”
    “No.” Logan cut Tah off, slashing his hand through the air. “Amia’s upset which means Reno’s upset? Really? Are those the words you just uttered to me? Well, guess what? I’ve been trying to convince my mate that she has nothing to worry about now that we’re mated, that you’ll all accept her the way I do. I told her you’d give her a chance and be okay with her calling her pride. Guess I was fucking wrong on both accounts. How about this? My mate is uncertain, and now, I am, too.” Logan shook his head in disgust. “I never thought we’d be the type of pride that gave one mate preference over another. And I never anticipated feeling second best to Reno.”
    “Logan…” Tah started again but trailed off as Logan just shook his head again.
    “Your words said it all.” Logan looked toward the door and found Clara standing there. He wasn’t sure how much she’d heard, but her eyes said she’d caught the gist of it. He turned and walked to Clara, taking her hand and linking their fingers. “I’m taking Clara to find her things. We’ll be back later.”
    “Logan, don’t,” Tah said. It wasn’t an order. It was a plea from a friend, from someone Logan thought of as a brother, which meant the pain Logan was feeling was raw and cut deep.
    “Reno’s upset,” Logan said. “You’d better go check on him.”
    He tugged Clara with him from the room and headed down the hall toward the front door. He needed air.
    “Logan.” Clara whispered his name as they walked away from the house toward the woods.
    “It’s okay.”
    “No, it’s not. I can feel your pain. Your heart is crying.” She stepped in front of him, blocking his path and forcing him to look at her.
    He gritted his teeth against the surge of anger he felt when he saw the tears streaming down her cheeks. Once again, his mate was in tears. It tore him up to see her this way.
    “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Logan. If I’d know this would happen, I’d…”
    “You’d what? You’d have continued to try and deny me as your mate?”
    She nodded her head slowly. “I’m

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