tearing you apart.”
Funny how she echoed exactly what he was feeling. Only it wasn’t her actions tearing him apart, but the wash of emotion staining her cheeks.
“No, you’re not,” he said, pulling her into his arms and holding her tight against him. “None of this is on you. Tah said what he said. Only he can own the words he spoke. That’s on no one else.”
“Finding your mate is supposed to be a joyous occasion, a celebration.”
“It can be. It will be. I promise, Clara. We’ll be okay.”
“I’m not sure of that,” she countered.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, suddenly realizing what he was feeling wasn’t all him. Some of it was her feelings bleeding into him.
“Something’s wrong, Logan. My Uncle Thomas is missing. Lydia said he left her in charge, but it doesn’t feel right. He’d never leave her in charge.”
“Your uncle doesn’t trust her?”
Clara shook her head.
“Why would he keep her around then?”
“Because my dad sent her to us. He wouldn’t have done that for just anyone.”
“I can’t wrap my head around all this. Amia’s mom has been with you?”
“It’s a long story, and I’d rather tell it once. I get the feeling my phone call has earned me another inquisition.”
“I’ll be right beside you the whole time. I’ll say it as many times as it takes to sink in. You will never stand alone again.”
“I don’t want to tear you apart. That’s not what mates do.”
“And I’ve already told you. None of this is your fault. Whatever choices Tah makes, we’ll face it together.”
“I think I’m going to love you,” Clara whispered.
“I think we’re going to love each other,” Logan answered and bent to brush his lips over hers.
It was an odd thing to have his heart so filled with love for a woman while at the same time being ripped apart over what was happening with his two best friends. God help them, they needed to be sticking together, not doing this. He gripped Clara’s fingers and started walking again. He really hoped this new beginning didn’t portend of another relationship ending.
* * * *
“We should call for help,” Zane said again as he and Murphy sat in the Jeep. “We have no idea who has Finn or why. We could be walking into a trap. And what then?”
“That’s why I’m going in after him alone when we do find him,” Murphy said.
“The hell you are,” Zane grunted, glaring at Murphy in challenge. “How the fuck do you plan to stop me from going with you?”
“I don’t want to fight you, Zane.”
Zane laughed. “Good thing. I’m fully in touch with my panther. I can summon his strength in this form, as well. You wouldn’t stand a chance against me.”
Murphy just looked at him, and once again Zane wondered what the other man held inside him. Something was blocking Zane from being able to scent it or pick up on any trait signs of it. Murphy was either very good, or someone or something was protecting him. What? Or who?
“Tell me about your family,” Zane said. “You said Finn left with you when you were forced to go.”
Murphy sighed, scrubbed a hand over his face, leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Zane could see he was bone-weary but wasn’t sure if it was from their lack of rest or Murphy’s connection with Finn. Whoever had Finn must have tortured him most of the night. Murphy had been a mess of pain, yet somehow managed to keep his focus on finding his brother. Unfortunately, they had little idea of where to search now, just the feelings that Murphy was getting from Finn. Whoever had him was good at covering their trail.
“My dad,” Murphy finally said. “It near broke him when he came home and found mum. He blamed me and rightly so. If she’d no been protecting me, she’d still be alive.”
“You don’t know that,” Zane countered, letting his anger show through. “People die.”
“They were there looking for me,” Murphy explained. “I musta been careless and let m’self be seen