Love Fortunes and Other Disasters

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Book: Love Fortunes and Other Disasters by Kimberly Karalius Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Karalius
move,” Nico said, resting his elbows on the desk. “Each club gets a chance to speak at these meetings and it’ll be hard to confer when you’re miles away from each other.”
    â€œDo you want him to win?” Fallon asked.
    â€œJust trying to help. Meeting’s going to start.”
    She lowered her voice. “Without Camille? I noticed she wasn’t here yet.”
    â€œDon’t remind me. I wish we could have just one meeting without her, but I doubt she’d leave Martin alone so soon after the breakup,” he said bitterly.
    Fallon chewed her lip. Nico’s anxiety rolled off him in waves. “Hey,” she said, touching his elbow, “Did he like the coffee?”
    â€œI’m not sure. I thought he did, but Martin kind of stuttered when he thanked me. Like he was going to say something else.”
    â€œI told him to call you Nico.”
    He let out a surprised laugh. “Yeah, it was when he said my name. I’m still Nicolas. My president’s too proper for nicknames.”
    â€œWell, be persistent. Miracles do happen.”
    â€œLike you moving to the back row?”
    She grimaced. “I guess I should set a good example for you.”
    As Nico returned to his table, Fallon grabbed her notebook and bag and climbed the steps up to the third row. She plopped down into the chair and refused to give Sebastian the satisfaction of seeing her frown.
    As Martin started his welcome speech, Fallon caught Sebastian sticking his hand in her bag. He pulled out the magazine and placed it on the desk between them. “Research?” he asked.
    Fallon slapped her hand on the page. “Do you mind?”
    â€œWhere did you leave off?”
    She sighed. “Page fifty-five.”
    He flipped through the pages to find an advertisement for perfume. “Not quite a charm,” he murmured, “though all fragrances promise romance, don’t they?”
    â€œBe quiet.”
    â€œWe’re in the back for a reason. That’s what I like about it: being on the fringe of the action.”
    As Fallon jotted down notes, the door next to her seat opened. Camille Simmons stepped inside. She hadn’t bothered to change out of her work uniform; Zita’s standard pink dress and silver high heels sparkled under the fluorescent lights.
    Camille crossed her arms and waited by the door, as if expecting the meeting to come to a grinding halt in her presence. But then she caught Fallon staring. “I remember you,” she said, not bothering to moderate her voice. “The girl with the bad fortune. I see you took my advice about the magazines … yet, they haven’t helped. Better keep reading.”
    Fallon’s face burned.
    Sebastian turned the pages loudly. He spoke to Camille with his typical bored tone. “This magazine has some great advice about handling exes. Maybe Martin would like to read it.”
    Camille’s smirk shattered. She knocked the magazine off the table. The sound startled the secretary, who had been reading last year’s final meeting minutes aloud. All eyes swiveled to Camille. “Sorry I’m late,” she said loudly, rebuilding her false smile in seconds. She glided down the steps and shoved Nico’s chair over so she could sit next to Martin.
    Fallon touched her cheeks, feeling the lingering embarrassment there.
    Sebastian calmly plucked the magazine off the floor.
    Tension stretched thin as the student government meeting continued. The news of Camille and Martin’s breakup was about as widespread as Sebastian’s rotation of girlfriends. All eyes were on Camille as she pulled out a pink pen and chewed on the cap. Her arm and thigh pressed against Martin, but the president pretended not to notice. Nico sulked, his chin falling to his chest as he studied, perhaps too closely, the stack of bank statements in front of him.
    Club representatives took turns talking about what their clubs did and

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