The M Word
Marius had
said they were going to a hotel that night and heading out of town
in the morning.
    Personally, Brenda thought renting a hotel
room was an unnecessary expense, but now she was glad no one knew
where they were going. She didn’t want to run into Steven again.
And it would be good to get away for ten days.
    She wasn’t looking forward to camping, but
braced herself by thinking that what didn’t kill her would make her
    As she walked down the hallway to the
kitchen, she overheard two women in the kitchen. They were helping,
washing some of the serving dishes. They were talking about
    Brenda froze.
    “You can tell he adores her,” one of them was
    “I didn't even know he was dating anyone,”
the other said. “You know, when that article came out, I offered to
marry him. To keep him in the country.”
    The first woman laughed. “You and Mrs.
    “But she's sixty!”
    “But not dead yet.”
    They both laughed. “I just hope he's happy
with --”
    Brenda turned back down the hall and shut the
bathroom door loudly, so they would know someone else was nearby.
The conversation stopped abruptly.
    She walked past them quickly, smiling and
thanking them for the help. She slipped outside, gave one last hug
to Kelly and her mother, then took Marius’ hand. Tom took a few
more pictures and then they left.
    Marius walked to a recent model sedan parked
out front.
    “Aren’t we taking my car?” Brenda asked.
    “It’s covered with shaving cream and
streamers,” Marius said. “Ellen said she’d clean it off and take it
back to the house.”
    “What about my suitcase?”
    “Already here.” He patted the trunk.
    Brenda nodded. Apparently Marius had thought
of everything. He reached to open the passenger side door for her,
but she pulled it open herself and climbed inside. She sank down
into the seat. “Let's get out of here,” she said tersely.
    Marius quietly started the car. They drove
for several minutes in silence. Brenda stared out the passenger
window, her mouth set in a grim line.
    “Just how many proposals did you get,
anyway?” she asked finally.
    Marius was startled. “I beg your pardon?”
    “How many American women offered to marry you
to keep you in the country?”
    He frowned. “Someone has been talking.”


    “How many proposals?” Brenda repeated.
    Marius' eyes narrowed. “Most of the women
weren't serious. They were joking.”
    She noticed he said most of the women were
joking, but not all of them. “How many?”
    He let his breath out slowly. “Four women.
Five, if I include you, actually proposed. Several more hinted
before I let them know I wasn’t interested.”
    She could tell that he was uncomfortable
answering her questions, but she wasn't willing to back down. “So
why did you choose me?”
    He looked over at her, as if trying to judge
her mood. “I liked you best.”
    She supposed she should be flattered by the
response, but the entire situation made her feel foolish. Marius
hadn’t needed her help. There had been half a dozen women equally
ready to marry him.
    She should remember that. Marius was a
handsome, intelligent man, with undeniable charm. Other women would
always be attracted to him. She wondered.
    Had Francesca offered to marry him?
    Her feelings were too raw at the moment to
ask him.
    He had said he didn’t believe in divorce, but
they’d never had a conversation about fidelity.
    She felt stupid now for making
    And even if he had promised to be true to
her, what guarantee would that be? Seeing Steven had forcibly
reminded her of her chronic bad judgment where men were
    She stared out the rental car window, deep in
    Marius watched Brenda from the corner of his
eye, wondering what she was feeling, wondering if he should say or
do something to make her feel better, but in the end, he chose to
stay silent.
    He was married. Brenda was his wife.
    The realization filled him with

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