Dead Wrath
quickly returned his attention to his laptop. I put on a pleasant expression, then faced Aidan. "Joshua is right. I'm sure we can find a way to put Enya's talents to use while ensuring she remains safe at all times."
    "Well, if you can do that, then by all means put my sister in the firing line," said Aidan, his voice just a fraction lower than a shout. But I didn't mind. I knew how much this would affect him. Much the same as my heart ached for Brody with everything he'd been through. Only Aidan definitely had it worse.
    I met Enya's gaze. "Will you relent and agree with your brother?" She gritted her teeth, then looked straight at him. The silence seemed to stretch endlessly.
    Then she said, "No. I'm sorry, Aidan, but I have to do my share. It's the end and it's here. Now. It's not going anywhere until we fight. And what if there's nothing left afterward? I refuse to die knowing I did nothing to help our cause. And if you love me, you won't ask me to." Her voice softened toward the end, betraying her feelings of helplessness. She'd used the love card and now she had nothing more.
    She'd done well, though. Well argued, and I admired her spirit. Now I watched Aidan as he struggled with her words, looking at the floor while he got his thoughts together. When he looked up, I knew she'd won. "Fine. If it's really what you want and if Bryn can ensure you are safe at all times, then fine."
    She squealed and ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck and squeezing so hard I could see him choke. "Thank you, thank you. You won't regret it, I promise," she blabbered as she grinned at him.
    "Yeah, sure," he said as he removed her arms from her chokehold. Then he looked at me. "Only as long as she is safe."
    "Of course. She'll be as safe as you can make her," I said evenly, enjoying the array of emotions that sped across his face.
    "What?" he spluttered. "You want me to watch her?"
    "Whatever team I put her on, she will need to be watched, from the time she arrives until the time she leaves. You have her best interests at heart and I do think you are the perfect person to ensure success. I'll make sure you two are with whichever teams need the likes of Enya's talent. And don't worry. Her part should be quick. In and out."
    "So you say," he mumbled.
    I went to him, and as I moved, I glanced at Joshua, tipping my head in Enya's direction. He called her over, pretending to want to show her how we were planning the next mission. While he kept her busy, I reached Aidan and asked, "Are you annoyed because you've been given a responsibility?"
    "I wasn't exactly planning on going out on missions with my sister. Now you have me looking after her," he snapped, folding his arms, his shoulders stiff.
    "Aidan, what is it you think I do every time I go out with a scout team? What does every team leader do when out on a mission?" I asked softly.
    There was a very long, awkward silence as I waited for his answer. "Yeah, I hear you. Responsibility for all team members. So I guess I treat her like any other team member."
    "Exactly. Get them all out alive. Most important task."
    He nodded and gave me a sheepish glance. "Thanks."
    "For what?" I asked, now curious as to where he was going with his gratitude.
    "For making the hard choice. The easy choice would have been to send Enya running back to Mother to cry her eyes out."
    I made a face, then sighed, feeling the twist of pain deep in my gut. Then I gave him a weak grin and said, "For you, maybe. Not for me. I've made the hard choices for far too long and it's sure getting old."
    He didn't respond, just put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed.
    Then he called Enya and they both left, leaving me lost in thought, Joshua busy tapping away at his keyboard. I'd hit the nail on the head, though.
    The hard choices sure were getting old.

    Things had gotten to the point where we'd decided where all the next teams were headed. We'd gathered in the war room the next

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