Dead Wrath
walked closer to the doctor, only stopping when I was face to face with him. Then I said, "But believe me when I say if any of the information endangers even one of my warriors, you will answer to me." He must have seen something in my eyes because he quailed in the face of it, visibly shrinking away from me.
    "Are you ready, Father?" asked Aidan, seemingly unaffected by my threats to his own flesh and blood.
    Dr. Lee sat heavily in his chair. He looked twenty years older, all the fight and arrogance gone.
    Aidan walked closer to him while I stood and listened as he asked Loki's son question after question. What was Loki's method of infiltrating businesses? How did he manage to convince people in important positions to work for him? Were their families being threatened? Were there frost giants under cover in large organizations?
    Many of the questions surprised the doctor so much that by the time Aidan had asked his last question, I was convinced we were on the right track.
    As we turned to leave, I glanced back one last time but was unable to summon even one iota of sympathy for Dr. Stephen Lee. I quite liked what I saw as he hunched over in his chair, his spine curved, his skull shining though his thinning hair.
    A broken man.

    When we emerged from the dungeons, I felt like I needed a bath. Not just because of the dankness of the cells, but from the proximity to a man I hated with an unadulterated passion. My mind returned to the look he'd given me when I'd threatened him, and I shook my head. His fear was unwarranted; not like I would have harmed in an any way. Surely I wasn't all that scary. I hadn't even used my wings to strike fear into his heart and that usually worked like a charm. Instead, he'd given Aidan page after page of information, and I was repeatedly thankful Aidan had taken Joshua's laptop to record everything.
    Aidan sighed beside me as we reached the war room. He handed the laptop over to me and said, "I'm going to speak to Enya and Mother. Maybe I should tell them they can go see him as soon as they like." He didn't sound too thrilled about it.
    "What's wrong? Not looking forward to breaking the news?" I asked.
    He shook his head. "To be honest, I'd hoped we wouldn't have to use them to get him to talk. I really didn't want them to have anything to do with him ever again."
    "He is their husband and father, you know. They have the right to see him if they want." I agreed with him, but I wasn't going to get involved.
    "Yeah, I know. I just don't feel comfortable with them seeing him." He rubbed his scalp, running his fingers through his hair and mussing it up. I could almost see him return all neat after his mother restored it to a decent condition.
    "Then make the stipulation that they aren't allowed to see him unless you go with," I suggested. "Then you won't need to worry."
    Aidan looked at me and laughed. "Now why didn't I think of that?"
    "Because you're not really as smart as you think you are?" I teased before turning to enter the war room. Joshua was standing stock still at the table, staring at something. "What's wrong?" I asked as I walked in.
    His eyes went straight to the laptop. "Oh, thank God. I was wondering where that thing had gotten to." He sighed with relief as I handed it over.
    "Aidan and I were just with his father," I said, watching Joshua's face for a reaction. Would he be wildly jealous that I'd spent time alone with an ex-boyfriend without telling him first? Instead, he stared harder and asked, "What did the creep have to say?"
    "It's all in there." I pointed at the laptop, and Joshua flipped it open and hurried to read it.
    "How did you manage to get all of this out of him?" he asked absentmindedly, as his eyes scanned pages and pages of information.
    "We offered a trade. He can see his family on a regular basis. But only if all this information actually pans out," I said smugly.
    "Brilliant idea." He agreed, then glanced back at the

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