
Free CollectiveMemory by Tielle St. Clare

Book: CollectiveMemory by Tielle St. Clare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tielle St. Clare
into Cayl’s hips, holding him in place. The man’s abs were lovely, tight and
ridged and when Mace had time he wanted to spend long hours licking and sucking
tiny hickies on that skin but he didn’t think Cayl could last tonight. The
subtle and not-so-subtle pulses of Cayl’s hips told him he’d better get a move
on if he wanted Cayl’s cock in his mouth. And he did.
    Moving past those delicious abs, Mace turned his attention
to Cayl’s cock. Mace wrapped his hand around the thick base and raised the
shaft, sliding his hand over the hot skin. He paused, giving Cayl enough time
to look down, to watch. Mace bent down and ran his tongue up the full length of
Cayl’s cock. The man arched off the bed like he’d been electrified. “Mace! What
is this…?”
    “Relax, babe, it only gets better.”
    “I—I am not sure I can tolerate better.”
    That drew a smile from Mace. “Sure you can. Just feel.” He
repeated the long lick up Cayl’s cock, a little slower, a little harder. Cayl
dropped back onto the mattress and released a low moan. That worked for Mace.
Gave him a chance to focus on Cayl’s dick. The thing was damn fine—hard and
long and thick. Mace didn’t let many men fuck him but when he did, he liked a
nice long cock…as long as the man knew how to do it and took his time.
    He grinned against Cayl’s cock. He was anticipating
something that probably would never happen. He pushed aside the thought and
took his own advice…just feel. He swirled his tongue around the top and then
gave a couple of quick licks, finding the sweet spot right beneath the head.
Cayl jolted beneath him.
    Good thing he didn’t have neighbors right next door.
    He rubbed his tongue across the same place then rose up and
sucked the first few inches of Cayl’s cock between his lips. He was almost too
much for a mouthful but Mace wasn’t going to stop halfway. Cayl’s hand slammed
into the back of his head, trying to push him down as Cayl thrust up. Mace
pulled back, yanking his mouth away.
    “Not so fast, sweet thing. Choke me? I’m not coming back.”
    Cayl’s chest rose and fell in harsh breaths. “You must help
    “I will. Just lie back and enjoy.”
    “I do not understand why humans seek this torment,” he
muttered but he dropped back on the bed. With a dramatic sigh, he plopped his
hand onto the mattress. Mace smiled and returned to fluttering his tongue up
the thick hard shaft. Mace could have continued to tease him, keep him just on
the edge of coming but the guy looked miserable. Pissy too but mostly
    He lifted the pretty cock, stopping just before he put it
his mouth. Cayl lay back on the bed, fingers gripped firmly in the bedspread,
eyes squeezed shut, his chest rising and falling in fast tight breaths.
    “You need to let go a bit, babe,” Mace said. Then he pushed
the head of Cayl’s cock into his mouth, lashing his tongue across the bottom,
letting him feel it. Then he closed his eyes and pushed down, taking as much of
Cayl’s dick into his mouth as he could.
    A long, low groan vibrated the bed but Cayl didn’t reach for
him again. Mace pressed one hand against Cayl’s hip, holding him down for when
the need to thrust became too much. He wrapped the other around the base of
Cayl’s cock, stroking, matching the rhythm of his mouth.
    Cayl’s body struggled against the grip he had, wanting to
thrust but he didn’t want to be choked. He kept up the pressure on Cayl’s hip,
holding him down, but sucking harder each time he retreated. Cayl seemed to
think this was a reward for behaving and gripped the blankets beneath his hips
even harder, keeping himself still. Mace took him as deep as he could, letting
the thick head into his throat before pulling back.
    Cayl’s shout rang through the air and if his mouth hadn’t
been filled, Mace would have smiled. Instead, he sucked a little harder on each
retreat, his head bobbing faster. Panicked words emerged from Cayl,

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