The Mistletoe Phenomenon

Free The Mistletoe Phenomenon by Serena Yates

Book: The Mistletoe Phenomenon by Serena Yates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Serena Yates
his the whole time. Magnus winced with the initial burn, and Lance stopped moving.
    The Mistletoe Phenomenon
    by Serena Yates
    "Don't stop!" Magnus ground his teeth and bore down.
    "Don't you dare stop."
    "If you're sure?" Lance redoubled his efforts, and before they knew it, he was buried balls-deep inside him.
    "Fuck, that feels good." Lance panted and put his arms on Magnus's pecs to support himself.
    "Fuck's right." Magnus lifted his hands and gripped Lance's shoulders for added stability. "If you don't start moving, I'm going to come on my own here."
    "Oh, no. We can't have that." Lance shook his head and pulled back, almost all the way out before pushing back in hard enough to make Magnus grunt.
    He thought the top of his head was going to fly off when Lance started to thrust as though he'd done it all his life.
    Long, powerful strokes that grazed Magnus's prostrate every single time. Beads of sweat on his forehead, Lance left Magnus speechless as he went deeper than he'd ever thought possible.
    It was too much.
    "Can't— Can't hold it...." Magnus arched his back, trying to make it last just a little longer.
    "Come for me, baby." Lance slid a hand down his stomach to grip Magnus's cock and it was all over.
    Magnus screamed his lover's name as he came harder than he'd ever come in his life. His vision went grey around the edges. His balls contracted, and spurt after spurt of hot semen covered his chest and abdomen in white as he shuddered through his orgasm.
    The Mistletoe Phenomenon
    by Serena Yates
    "Love you!" Lance pushed as far inside as he could go and started shaking as his hot cock throbbed inside Magnus's clenching channel.
    Magnus was still not sure is vision had returned when Lance pulled out, removed the condom, and collapsed onto his heaving chest.
    "God, alskling , you're going to kill me." Magnus lifted his arms to hold onto his exhausted lover.
    "Huh?" Lance lifted his head.
    "This was even better than I could have imagined."
    Magnus chuckled and kissed Lance on the lips. "If you're this good on your first try, I'm not going to survive it once you take your training wheels off."
    "Seriously?" Lance grinned. "Cool!"
    Magnus turned them onto their sides and snuggled closer, taking in their mixed scents and Lance's supple skin against his trembling body. This was the best Christmas he'd ever had, and it was all with thanks to the "Mistletoe Phenomenon." It may not have been the most scientific of explanations for all the good things that had happened to him since that first kiss in Katie's store, but Magnus wasn't going to complain.
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    The Mistletoe Phenomenon
    by Serena Yates
    Serena Yates is the pen name for a night owl who starts writing when everyone else in her time zone is asleep. She has loved reading all her life and spent most of her childhood with her nose buried in a book. Although she always wanted to be a writer, financial independence came first. Twenty-some years and a successful business career later, she took some online writing classes and never looked back.
    Living and working in seven countries has taught her that there is more than one way to get things done. It has instilled tremendous respect for the many different cultures, beliefs, attitudes and preferences that exist on our planet. Serena likes exploring those differences in her stories, most of which happen to be romances. Her characters have a tendency to want to do their own thing, so she often has to rein them back in. The one thing they all agree on is the desire for a happy ending.
    She currently lives in the United Kingdom, sharing her house with her vast collection of books. She likes reading, traveling, spending time with her nieces and listening to classical music. She has a passion for science and learning new languages.
    Visit Serena's web site at You can contact her at [email protected].
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    The Mistletoe Phenomenon

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