had broken protocol and told Raleigh their secrets, but the guy had been possessed and had his body mutilated, so she let it slide. Plus, she kinda liked the idea of someone new knowing. Now she had another person in the world to understand the pressure she was under.
    Raleigh grinned at her. “What day is it?”
    “July third.”
    He nodded his head. “I told my mom that I would probably be home day after tomorrow. I’d planned on being gone a week or so.”
    Melody rolled her eyes. “Like, on some sort of solo manly wilderness adventure?”
    “Ha. I guess that was the idea.”
    “A stupid idea. You are definitely not from around here. We all grow up knowing you never go out by yourself. I mean, you at least take a dog with you.”
    “Well, we just moved to Rosedell at the beginning of June. I haven’t made any friends yet and I’m allergic to dogs. I didn’t even really want to go, but my mom took pity on me and bought me all this camping equipment for my birthday. None of which was in any way useful when I got lost as hell and couldn’t find water.”
    “You’re lucky Wes found you before a hungry mountain lion did.”
    Raleigh looked down. “I’m starting to think that too.”
    “Think what?”
    “That I’m lucky Wes found me.” Raleigh brought his gaze up to meet Melody’s.
    Her eyes locked with his. A giddy warmth spread throughout her body. He was definitely cute and likely going to get cuter the more he recovered. Excellent timing, Universe. Like I don’t have a million other things to deal with. Her gaze fell to his mouth. Hey, Wells, stop staring at him like a superdork and ask him a question.
    “So, you’re new to Rosedell?”
    “Yeah, my mom’s opening up a New Age shop in what used to be the insurance office in town. The rent’s really cheap. I guess the guy that owned it bit the dust last year?”
    “Shh!” she said, putting her index finger to Raleigh’s getting-prettier-by-the-second mouth. “That guy was Avery’s dad.”
    Raleigh cringed. She dropped her hand dangerously close to his. “Crap. Sorry. I’m not usually such a dumbass. Make an exception ‘cause I’m in such a pathetic weakened state?”
    Melody smiled at him. “It’s okay.” She glanced over at Avery and Zellie. They were still lost in their own world. “Actually,” she whispered, “Avery’s dad is a spirit. He lives with my mom.”
    “Get outta here!”
    “And he’s the father of my little brother Wyatt.”
    Raleigh arched his left eyebrow. “How is that possible?”
    Melody blushed. “Oh. No. Wyatt was conceived before Mike Adams died. My mom, uh, cheated on my dad, who’s a pastor. The whole situation is beyond gross and totally humiliating.”
    Raleigh inched his fingertips over the top of the sheet and touched hers. “ My mom was a stripper at this skeevy club in North Portland when she got pregnant with me.” He rolled his eyes. “All I know about dear old Dad is that he was a carnie who operated the Tilt-A-Whirl and went by the handle Bobby Big Time.”
    “Wow. Really? Bobby Big Time?” She giggled.
    He shrugged. “Parents suck.”
    “Indeed they do.” Melody scooted her fingers a little closer to his. “You’re easy to talk to, you know that?”
    “So are you,” Raleigh grinned. “I guess it helps that we don’t have that whole awkward disbelief of spirit possession thing hanging over us.”
    Melody grinned back at him, “It does.” She took the plunge and laid her hand on top of his. “You’re not freaked out? Not even a little?”
    He moved his pinky out from under her hand and tapped it on hers. “Nah. I’m from Portland, remember? I grew up in a house with, like, ten healing crystals hanging from the ceiling and a Feng Shui water fountain in the middle of the family room. I didn’t know that people ate meat until I was seven. I’m accustomed to weird.”
    “Cool. You know, we were maybe neighbors last summer. Zellie and I stayed with our aunt Hazel in

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