BBW on Fire - Complete

Free BBW on Fire - Complete by Moxie North

Book: BBW on Fire - Complete by Moxie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Moxie North
Chase, Nikki cocked her eyebrow up, “We leaving or what Sparky?”
    Chase gave Nikki a long slow smile that seared through her.  Man, this guy was hunky and she could feel the testosterone wafting off of him.  She wanted to soak it up and roll around in it until her inner cave-girl was happy.
    Grabbing her hand, Chase gave Izzy a chin lift and a wink before turning to walk towards the front.  “Wait here while I grab my gear okay?” Chase said.  When Nikki gave a nod, he jogged back towards the stage to presumably grab, at least a shirt.
    Watching him come back a few minutes later, she noticed he had pulled on a black fire department T-shirt and had a small bag with him.
    “You drive, beautiful?” Chase asked grabbing her hand and heading towards the door.
    “Nope, taxi,” she replied.
    “Good, don’t want to lose you following me home.  If you want we can go to your house, but then we can’t play dress up,” he said with a wicked grin.
    Oh she was not going to miss out on any bit of this stud’s plans for tonight she thought, as he led her out to the parking lot.  He walked her up to a black Dodge Charger, it was sex on wheels and looked exactly like what she thought he would drive.  Opening the passenger door he made sure she was situated before coming around to get into the driver’s seat.  He started the car and it purred like a panther.  He pushed a few buttons on the console then peeled out of the parking lot at a fairly high rate of speed. 
    “You know speeding is illegal right?” Nikki admonished
    “Beautiful, this isn’t fast. Just feels fast in this baby. Trust me when I say I know the dangers of speeding,” he said to her pointedly.
    “Ah, true. So we are heading to your place?” Nikki asked trying to make small talk.
    “Yup, I have a small bungalow in the burbs.  Bought it a few years back and work on it when I have time.  It’s not big, but has room for my daughter to run around and space for the dog,” he offered up.
    That’s right, he had a daughter.  Nikki wasn’t sure if she even wanted to delve into the personal life of this guy.  How much did you need to know about a one-night stand anyway?
    “Since you aren’t asking, I was married for three years, had my daughter and my wife decided being the wife of a firefighter and a full-time mom was not the life for her. So she asked for a divorce, we agreed to split custody and she found a nice 9 to 5 guy that can afford a nanny. She’s not a bad mom exactly, just absent.  I spend more time with my kid than she does and I usually work 4 days on, 4 day off.”
    “So you guys are friendly?” Nikki asked
    “We are civil for the sake of our daughter, that’s the best I can offer her,” Chase said honestly.
    Fair enough Nikki thought.  As she was pondering this, she noticed her ass getting hot.  What the hell? Was she suffering hot flashes?  Squirming and glancing down at the car seat she heard a chuckle from Chase.
    “I turned the seat warmer on darlin’,” he said the corner of his mouth tipping up. “I find most women like to be warm and comfortable.  I do my best to give them both.”
    Looking at him with her eyes bugged out, she was trying to figure out if this guy was a player or just really smart.  She was comfortable and warm, her tush was toasty and her back was relaxing into the leather seat.  Darn him, he was smart she decided.
    Glancing over to him, she saw he was smiling while keeping his eyes on the road.  “We have a few minutes, why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Chase asked.
    “What do you want to know?” Nikki asked lightly, she was trying really hard to not let her inner bitch come to the surface.
    “Anything baby, just talk to me,” he said quietly.
    So, Nikki started talking about herself. She told him about her big family, her best friends, and her job.  She told him how she liked music and had a terrible addiction to Pinterest, which he had no idea what that was.  She was

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