doubted he was still the same man today.
    He started to say something and then stopped.  He turned toward the direction of their horses, but quickly turned back again.  "Lily?  If I ask you a question, will you promise to answer it honestly?"
    Luke's request took her by surprise.  She couldn't imagine what it could be.  "Sure."
    "If I'd met you some other place, some other time where Hannah didn't exist, would you have given me a chance?"
    An emotional wrench torqued her heart.  There was no doubt.  "You know I would."  She tried to smile, but a sudden sadness overwhelmed her.  This whole situation sucked.
    He nodded, looking as unhappy as she felt.  They walked in silence toward their horses.  When they reached them, Luke untied her reins and handed them to her, before walking away.
    "Wait," she called to him, and he turned back.   She took a step forward, tilting her head and gazing into his intense eyes.  She took his hand, knowing she was treading into dangerous territory, but also knowing she couldn't leave things like they were. 
    "Thank you for bringing me here.  I'm sure this place will linger in my memory for a long time."
    He studied her for an endless moment, and she wondered what he was searching for.  "You're welcome."
    When he started to pull away, she tightened her grip.  Before she could change her mind, she lifted on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
    He stood, frozen, as though he didn't know how to react.  His haunted gaze pierced her, pulled her forward.  Wariness shadowed his features.
    She narrowed her eyes in concern and touched his cheek.  He still did not move, did not make a play for her like a player would.  The stubble along his jaw tickled the tips of her fingers.  She stood on tiptoe again, locking her gaze with his and brushed her lips against his.  She hadn't been able to erase his kiss from her lips, either.
    He tasted of sweetness mixed with potent desire.
    Heat licked at her, begging her to sample him again.  She shouldn't do it.  She should get on her horse and ride away while they were still just friends.
    Or was it too late already?  She'd never forget the way he'd made her feel when he'd held her, when he'd kissed her.
    Luke released a weighted breath and took a step back, obviously being the one to keep his head about him.  But Lily was thirsty for something, and right now, that something was still within her grasp.
    "No.  This isn't right."  She dropped her horse's reins and grabbed Luke's shirt, stopping him in his tracks.
    He warned her with a heated look, but she ignored it.  She locked her arms around his neck and pulled his head toward hers.  His lips were warm and intoxicating.  She moved hers against him as though she were a match teasing dry timber.  When he responded, she thought she might die from pleasure.
    He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him, and she knew her kiss had unleashed something he'd kept tethered inside.  Her heart thundered as his body heat mingled with hers.  She loved the intense emotional draw she experienced when she was close to him.  It was unlike anything she'd experienced.
    He ended the kiss and cursed.  She filled her lungs, immediately missing him, refusing to move beyond his grasp.  He pinned her with a burning gaze, his lips mere inches from hers.  "Don't play with me, Lily."
    She tried to breathe.  "I'm not."
    "Then what the hell was that?  One second you tell me you need to be loyal to Hannah, and the next you're kissing me."
    "I don't know."  Her heart warred with her brain.  She wanted this man so badly and knew she'd regret it if she let him walk away without figuring out what was between them.  But Hannah's issues with him left her with a serious dilemma.
    She stepped back this time, ashamed that she'd taken advantage of his desire for her.  "I'm sorry.  It was wrong of me to kiss you.  I'm truly sorry."
    He rolled his eyes in obvious frustration.  "Damn it, Lily.  I'm

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