THIS TIME (The Grace Allen Series Book Three Paranormal Romance)

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Book: THIS TIME (The Grace Allen Series Book Three Paranormal Romance) by Alisha Basso Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alisha Basso
were oddly familiar. From her long blonde hair to her green eyes, but
I just couldn’t pull it from my brain.
    “No, thank
you.” I followed her eyes as they strayed to the rear of the plane. “Is there a
problem?” I asked, swiveling my chair to look at the door that Helen had
disappeared behind.
    “Oh? Oh! No, not at all, I was only wondering if I should go and ask your friend if
she would care for any refreshments.”
    “No.” I
snorted my reply, glaring at the door. “Leave her alone until she slithers back
out. And that woman is not my friend,” I curled my lip. “She’s more like
a huge stone around my neck.” I turned back, looking at her as she struggled to
hide her smile. I laughed. “I know, I’m not even trying to be nice, am I?” I
smiled to myself and wondered how hard it would be to push a person from a
the flight attend continued, pulling me from my thoughts, “she was kind
of snarling when you boarded. I was really scared that she would be the one in
charge.” She eyed the door again. “Will there be anything else, Mrs. White?” I
watched her walk backward, not really paying attention to me any longer.
    “No. Thank
you,” I smiled and shook my head as the attendant stumbled and rushed into the
small kitchen area.
    I woke,
startled. Rubbing my eyes, I saw that a drink sat on the table beside me. I
looked up and smiled.
    “I hope
you don’t mind, but I brought you a small cocktail,” the man sitting across from
me smiled.
hello,” I picked up the glass. It was cold and slightly damp from sitting. I
eyed him over the glass as I brought it to my lips.
    “Should I
be worried that we’re going to crash?” I looked at the cockpit doors.
    He leaned
back in his chair, his beautiful, blue eyes twinkled. “No chance of that. I’m
merely a co-pilot.” He stretched his legs, crossing them at the ankles. “You
going to drink that?” He smiled again and I felt my skin flush.
    Lord help
me, he was stunning.
what’s the deal? You get bored sitting up there, just the two of you?” I
lowered the glass, not thirsty at all. “Is that why you’re sitting here
watching me sleep?”
    He folded
his arms across his chest and smirked. “It has its moments. I only wanted to
meet our passengers. He looked across the plush seats toward the bedroom door.
    I studied
the man before me. “What do you mean, meet? This is my husband’s jet, surely
you already know us?” I frowned.
    “Oh? Do
you recognize me then?” he smiled. “You really look parched.” He eyed my glass.
    “I don’t
recognize you because I have some medical problems that prevent me from
remembering most things. Well, what I mean is, if I had ever met you in the
past, I probably wouldn’t remember you.”
flattering.” He arched his brow, flashing his teeth. They were straight and
white. His inky-black hair was cropped close to his scalp. “But, to let you off
the hook, no, this is not your husband’s jet. We are a charter.”
    “Oh, well,
that makes me feel better. At least I didn’t offend you.” I smiled and lifted
the glass to my lips. “Where are we headed, by the way?” I sipped the cocktail.
Immediately I choked, coughing, and my mouth sizzled. “What the hell is in
this?” I gasped, scratching at my throat. I felt like my body had suddenly
caught fire.
Water, on the rocks .” He saluted me with his glass.
    I gasped,
clawing the skin at my throat, I struggled to suck in a breath.
    “ Poison, ”
I gurgled out, shuddering uncontrollably.
Gavyn!” the man shouted and I collapsed to the floor.
erupted all around me as I struggled to breathe. I rolled, trying to crawl as I
watched the flight attendant rush to the back doors. She skidded to a halt and
threw them open. Instead of Helen rushing out, a small group of people charged
from the room.
scattered and then my vision was filled with the form of a man. Chills

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