Doctor Who: Ultimate Treasure
    'I had dealt with Hok before in the matter of some rare folios of my chronicler's work, and learnt then that he occasionally dabbled in darker dealings. I received word, as one of his more discerning clients, that he had something of value to offer, namely the transcript of an ancient ship's log from which the true resting place of Rovan's hoard could be deduced. My offer for the item was accepted and I was attempting to meet with him to conclude the deal, a little earlier than planned I admit, when we had our memorable encounter.'
    'After which you bugged out, leaving us to explain everything to the police without anybody to back up our story,' Peri reminded him.
    'Do I get no thanks for so masterfully saving your lives first?
    Ingratitude, thou art truly marble-hearted! Besides, I was sure the matter was in capable hands, and I had to pursue those whoreson cutthroats to ensure they did not profit from their villainy.'
    'Really?' said Peri dubiously.
    'Verily so. I was hard upon their tails when they turned like cornered rats. What a battle it was! Two of their craft dived upon me, their lasers spitting fire -'
    'You didn't say anything about a battle,' Peri protested. 'I thought they planted a bomb on your ship?'
    'Nay, you misheard. 'T'was a battle royal that laid me low.
    There were these four ships, armed like men o' war -'
    'I thought there were two ships.'
    'Pray do not interrupt or I'll lose the thread of the tale. Now, six ships bore down upon me -'
    'Sir John, would you like something to eat?' said the Doctor brightly, stemming the flow. 'Peri, please show our guest how to use the food synthesiser.'
    Leaving Falstaff in a corner happily stuffing himself, Peri and the Doctor conferred quietly.
    'Just who is this guy really?' Peri wondered.
    'I don't know,' the Doctor admitted, 'but he seems determined to stay in character.'
    'You don't think he believes himself that he actually is Falstaff?'
    'Perhaps. It can't do any harm to humour him for the time being, as long as we don't rely on him for anything important.
    Remember, Falstaff was a liar, cheat, and pragmatic coward.'
    'Well, anyhow, now we know what happened at Hok's. I guess he had a copy of this data on Rovan's treasure and those crooks got hold of it before we came in.'
    'Yes. Hok must have examined the data first and worked out the vital coordinates, which was what he passed on to us. He probably planned to sell it on in another form to other interested customers. Or perhaps he had already done so,' the Doctor added thoughtfully.
    'You mean there might be others heading for the same place?'
    'Well, there's only one way to find out. The Doctor turned to the controls and the TARDIS dematerialised. 'We'll be there in a couple of minutes.'
    'No you won't, Doctor,' said an unexpected voice. Falstaff froze with a fork halfway to his mouth as Peri and the Doctor twisted round.
    Myra Jaharnus was standing in the doorway leading to the rest of the ship. She was holding a dull black pistol-like object in her hand in a very assured manner. Suddenly Peri realised why the inspector had not returned the TARDIS key to them in person.
    'Ah,' said the Doctor, recovering his voice first, 'I see we have a stowaway on board. I don't think you've met our other guest. May I present Sir John Falstaff? Sir John, this is Inspector Myra Jaharnus of the Astroville police force.'
    Falstaff recovered himself, rose to his feet and made a sweeping bow, doffing his cap with a flourish. 'Your servant, madam.'
    'He's the man you never believed existed,' Peri explained helpfully.
    'So I understand from what I've already heard.'
    'May I add,' Falstaff continued smoothly, 'that it is a great comfort to know the forces of law and order are ever vigilant? I know I can leave it to your capable hands to apprehend the villains responsible for the murder of dear old Hok. If the Doctor would be kind enough to set me down on some convenient planet, I won't take up any more of your

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