Rock Me: Sexy (New Adult Rockstar Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Erotic Romance)

Free Rock Me: Sexy (New Adult Rockstar Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Erotic Romance) by Arabella Quinn

Book: Rock Me: Sexy (New Adult Rockstar Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Erotic Romance) by Arabella Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arabella Quinn
    Katie opened the room door. “Well, it’s
my favorite. Now let’s get going. I got you a turkey sandwich while you were in
the shower. I remember how much you liked them.”
    Tyler sat back against the leather seats
in the car. His head was clearer after his shower and a bite to eat, but now he
was starting to sweat.
    “Can we turn the heat down? It’s fucking hot
in here.”
    Katie frowned. “Does every other word out
of your mouth have to be ‘fucking’? I like to swear now and then too, but if
you do it all the time, it starts to lose its impact. Plus, we’ll have to bleep
you out a lot.”
    Tyler cracked open his window. “Impact or
not, it’s fucking hot in here.”
    Katie glanced over at him. “It’s freezing
outside. I hope you’re not getting sick or something.”
    His fingers tapped against his knee. “No.
I’m good. Just anxious to get this whole thing rolling. How did Nick seem? I haven’t
talked to him since the disastrous engagement party.”
    Katie paused before answering. “I was
worried about him, but he seems good. Not that I know him all that well.”
    Tyler wondered what Katie thought of the
whole affair- Nick being blackmailed into marriage; only to call it off at the
last minute and have a shocking sex tape released starring Nick and his stepsister.
Tyler had been alternately pissed at Nick and then jealous of all the attention
he was receiving. The whole thing was weird, especially since he’d known Allie
since she was a little kid.
    “Is that kind of personal stuff going to
get on the show?” Tyler asked.
    “Anything you guys do on tour could get
shown. But this Nick thing is different. We won’t make mention of it on the
show for our own reasons. It’s already generating huge buzz though. I can’t lie
and say this wasn’t a God’s send in terms of publicity for Rock Star Diaries.
And we would probably exploit it if it fit our narrative.”
    Tyler grunted derisively. “It’s all about
the show for you, isn’t it?”
    She glanced at him warily. “Yes. This
show is important to me. It’s going to make or break my career. And if it
succeeds, it’s going to be good for you, too. I thought you were onboard with
all of this?”
    Tyler squirmed in his seat. He wasn’t
sure why he was acting like such a moody bastard. Ever since he heard about
Rock Star Diaries, he’d gotten all turned around in the head. Actually, it
was since he’d met Katie Winston. She’d made him question
    Adrenaline pumped through Tyler’s veins
as he waited in the wings, letting the anticipation build. The screams from the
packed stadium vibrated inside his chest and had his heart pounding with excitement.
Nick glanced his way as he paced across the stage, fiddling with his bass guitar.
Tommy was settled in behind the drum kit taking a long drink of his beer. They
were all pretty pumped. While months on the road could wear down even the most
enthusiastic musician, the first show back was always exhilarating. Getting
that high, that validation from the fans was beyond description.
    The band waited patiently for him,
knowing his entrance would whip the crowd into a crazed frenzy. Alex played a
few licks on guitar and the fans screamed their appreciation. Everyone was on
their feet, waiting for him. They began chanting his name. “Ty-ler, Ty-ler,
Ty-ler…” It was almost time.
    Tyler savored the moment for one last
breath, feeding off the energy of the crowd. He turned his black leather cuff
so that the silver buckle was on the inside of his wrist. He wasn’t very superstitious,
but he liked to twist it for good luck before every show. The bracelet had been
a gift from Hailey; she had picked it out just for him, telling him that it
would make him look like a real rock star. He felt a pang of anguish when
he thought of her, but quickly shook it off. It was time to be a real rock star, for Hailey .
    Tyler stepped out onto the stage and even

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