Fiery Fate
acknowledge the sensual darkening of his eyes.
    You will not toy with me this way, Roarke. I will not stand by while you tell me you don’t want me and then look at me like you wish to ravish me. “No, I was thinking of all the duties I have to fulfill. Not only here to assist Noele, but as Braedon’s wife and Queen of Greenbriar.” His gaze lingered for a few seconds, then he turned away and looked down at the journal on the desk.
    “Come here, then. There are accounts that need settling. You will be managing accounts of your own soon enough.”
    He’d brushed her comment aside as if it meant nothing to him. Folly to think he would be bothered by thoughts of her marrying another man. She approached the desk and Roarke stood, pulling over a chair for her to sit. She retracted her wings and tried to position herself as far away from him as possible. His scent, so like the earthy smell of the forest she loved, permeated the room.
    Attempting to concentrate on the books, her mind kept wandering. First, to the crisp, dark hairs on his forearm, then the way his shirt bunched up around his muscled biceps. She glanced down at her arm next to his, marveling at how much bigger he was than her.
    “You must account for the number of sheep, geese, and chickens bought, marking them in the ledger in this column. Then, as they are butchered or sold, you track them here.” They spent the entire morning going over the accounts. By the time they had finished, Solara was miserable. She had watched every movement he made, breathed him in until his scent became a part of her, and wished with all her heart that once, just once, he would have touched her.
    It did not matter how far away she was, or whom she was wed to. Her heart, her body, her very soul would belong to Roarke.
    “You learn quickly,” he said, turning in his chair until his knee brushed against her thigh.
    Forcing the melancholy aside, she nodded. “I have had some experience in managing things. Our parents taught us much of what we would need to know.”
    “But there is more you have yet to learn.”
    She gazed up at the sound of his husky voice, his heated gaze causing her pulse to race. What did he mean? “What is it that I have yet to learn?”
    “Running a keep, tending to the gardens, dealing with the various arguments and requests from the villagers.”
    “Oh.” Of course he meant her duties as queen. How silly of her to think he would suggest she needed instruction in more passionate pursuits. Or that he would be the one to teach her. Although the thought of exactly what type of training he could provide had her body flushing with heat.
    “And what did you think I meant?”
    “Nothing.” She stood and pushed back from the chair, circling around the desk to put some space between them. “Are we finished here?”
    “In here, yes. Next we will have our meal, and after that meet with some of the villagers who have complaints and concerns.”
    She nodded, following him into the hall. During the meal, Roarke ignored her, sitting with some of the guards. She ate alone, since Elise and Mina were having their meal in Noele’s room.
    Which left her with nothing to do except watch him. With his men, Roarke laughed easily, smiled often, his booming voice echoing down the table and surrounding her, making her tremble with the desire to hear the husky tones whispered in her ear in the darkness.
    After the meal, they took their seats at two large chairs normally reserved for Garick and Noele. It felt strange to be sitting with Roarke in chairs made for the king and queen of the castle. Almost comfortable, expected.
    They spent the better part of the rest of the day solving disputes, granting requests and meting out disciplinary action to the villagers. Solara found Roarke to be diplomatic, stern, but also fair. She did not object to any of his edicts, and would have made the same recommendations had she been asked.
    Which she hadn’t. She laced her fingers together,

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