The Prince's Nanny

Free The Prince's Nanny by Carol Grace

Book: The Prince's Nanny by Carol Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Grace
Tags: cookie429, Extratorrents, Kat
    “Well, because of the girls of course.  A woman named Fabrizi has invited them to spend the night, but I wanted to check with you.  I thought we should begin our English lessons tonight as preparation for the entrance exam.”
    “Yes, yes,” he said impatiently.  “Lessons are important and I forgot about the arrangement with Signora Fabrizi.  “But think of it this way, the girls are on vacation.  They’ve gotten along without you for the past year. Let them visit with their friend.”
    “But the interview, you said…”
    “I know what I said, but right now I need someone to help me with a presentation for our rival, the Banco di Turin.  The directors are arriving within the hour for a look at our facilities and our books.  We need to make a good impression on them if we hope to convince them to join us in a merger.  If we do, we become one of Italy’s largest banks.  You’re here.  You can put together the Power Point presentation.”
    “I’m not sure I can do that,” Sabrina said soberly.
    Vittorio tightened his grip on her elbow.  Just in case she had any inclination to bolt.  For once this particular nanny might actually be useful to him if not to the girls.
    “Why not?  You yourself told me that was one of your skills.  What happened to the confident super nanny who arrived yesterday?  The woman who told me a nanny must always be sure of herself?”
    “I am sure of myself as a nanny.  I am not a professional who is proficient in office software and I never claimed to be.”
    “I will keep that in mind.  Normally I would have our experts in Marketing do this for me, but this meeting was called at the last minute and my staff is elsewhere.”  He didn’t tell her they were at the airport meeting a client and taking him to a long lunch.  “I wouldn’t ask this of you if it weren’t important to impress the clients and do it today.”
    “Will it impress them to know your nanny who knows nothing about banking is responsible for the presentation?”
    “No one will know you are a nanny, unless you tell them.”
    “Wouldn’t that be fraudulent to pass myself off as something I’m not?”
    “Not at all.  You’re my employee.  That’s all anyone needs to know.”
    Vittorio saw her glance down at her Capri pants and athletic shoes.  Of course, her clothes.  If he knew anything about women, he should know it was all about her appearance.  Truth to tell, hers were totally unsuitable for the job.  Unless she was out of sight.  Just from an objective point of view, she was too attractive to be hidden away somewhere.  Over the phone he gave his secretary instructions to rush out and purchase a variety of clothing at a neighborhood boutique.  He paused with the phone in his hand.
    “What is your size?”
    Sabrina looked surprised.  “Six or eight, but there is no need…”
    He cut her off and told Mirella to use her judgment in choosing clothes.  And not just office-wear.  That way there would be no repeat of his nanny’s wearing his ex-wife’s dress again.
    He turned to Sabrina.  “My secretary is going out to  buy you a suitable business suit and shoes and a few other items.  We have no time to lose.  Come with me.”
    He was glad to see she didn’t protest any further.  She looked around at the furnishings in his office.  He wondered if she was impressed by the hand-woven classical carpets that had been there since his grandfather’s time along with the rich wooden panels on the walls and his gigantic desk covered with stacks of papers.
    He saw her glance at the old man in the portrait on the wall.
    “My great-grandfather,” he said, though she hadn’t asked.
     He had to admit for a nanny she was quite amazing.  Or for any woman.  Any other woman would have run out screaming, claiming this was not her job.  Not her.  She didn’t want to be here.  That was clear.  She didn’t want to do the job.  And frankly it wasn’t her job.  But she was

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