tire of her.”
    Bridget’s expressions became very animated, “Just so we’re clear, I wouldn’t take Jason back if he came crawling on his knees. It would take a miracle for me to ever forgive him. I’m amazed you’ve been able to forgive Ryan.”
    “He’s my husband. I’ll stand by him through anything especially since we weren’t even together when the child was conceived.”
    Bridget didn’t believe that for one minute. Everybody knew that they hated each other and both had carried on many affairs over the years. This was about politics plain and simple.
    “So, then are you ready to be a full time mommy to Ryan’s child?”
    Alicia started choking on her water. It took her a moment to clear her throat before she plastered on her practiced smile and answered, “I’ll learn to love her just as much as I love Ryan. Ah…the waiter’s here. Shall we order?”


Chapter 15
    Friday had finally arrived. Vicky, Jason and Angel had flown into Minnesota the night before with John Lucas and his staff. Aunt Shirley arrived with the Rutherford’s that morning. Sandy had driven in to the courthouse alone.
    She’d managed to avoid Franklin for the past several days. It wasn’t too difficult since he hadn’t really tried too hard to get in touch with her. She knew she’d see him today and hoped her game face wouldn’t crack.
    Getting into the courthouse was a zoo. Every major news channel and tv entertainment show was there with cameras in tow.
    John Lucas had prepared well for this case. He’d prepped Vicky and a couple of other witnesses. He felt confident the judge would not be granting the Carter’s full custody; today or any day.
    They all sat quietly in the waiting room. Vicky was nervous. Jason was nervous but trying hard not to show it. Angel was sitting on the floor playing with her blocks. She had no idea what was happening. Her world as she had known it was about to change in one way or another.
    Aunt Shirley had been praying silently. Then, decided to invite others in on it. “You know I think…if you’ve ever believed in prayer now would be a good time to pray.”
    Miriam was the first to get up from her chair and join her, “I think you’re right Shirley. You can never have enough prayers.”
    Everyone joined hands and somehow Franklin ended up next to Sandy. It was a little awkward especially since she never even looked at him. She just stretched out her hands for him to hold. He held it and bowed his head.
    Aunt Shirley led the prayer, “Lord God, we come before You today first thanking You for all of Your goodness and all of Your blessings. We ask a special prayer for Vicky, Jason, and Angel. They need you more than ever. We ask for favor in this situation but in all things Your will be done. AMEN.”
    Just as they finished the prayer John Lucas came into the waiting room, “They’ve called our case. We can head over to the courtroom now.”
    Everyone filed out of the room but Jason held Vicky behind for just a second “You okay?”
    She gazed deeply into his eyes and squeezed his hand, “I’m nervous and scared but I’m okay. You?”
    “As long as you and Angel are okay…I’m good.” He kissed her temple and they walked out of the waiting room hand in hand into the courtroom.
    Ryan was the first person that Vicky saw when she walked into the courtroom. How she could have thought she was ever in love with him was beyond her.
    Jason saw the moment Ryan and Vicky made eye contact. He knew that he owned Vicky’s heart but there was a small part of him that hated she had this connection with him. He HATED Ryan Carter.
    Franklin watched the entire exchange play out in front of him. He could see the rage in Jason’s demeanor and touched Jason’s shoulder.
    “Keep it together my friend. The cameras are everywhere.”
    Those simple words helped Jason pull it together. He wasn’t able to sit next to Vicky at the counsel’s table. He had to sit behind them with everyone

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