Alpha Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #2 (Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance)

Free Alpha Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #2 (Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance) by J.K. Harper Page B

Book: Alpha Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #2 (Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance) by J.K. Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.K. Harper
to him. Trembling from his
proximity, mind and emotions scrambled into a mix of confusion topped with
helpless lust for this one wolf, Sara let his mouth cover hers. His lips played
over hers, dancing and teasing until she groaned into them, then fastened on
with an intense, breath-stealing kiss. Her hands seemed to rise of their own
volition to his shoulders, then his neck, cupping around and pulling his head
down to hers.
    Rafe reached his arms around Sara and pulled her body
against his. Her breasts pressed hard into him, her hips moved into his, and
she leaned into his kiss so hard their teeth scraped. She didn't care. She let
him savor her mouth with his, let herself get lost in the roaring moment of
simple oneness that made everything else disappear. It felt too good to stop.
    Except, of course, she had to. With a major effort, she
pulled back from him. Chest heaving, lips roughened to an almost painful
sensitivity from his welcome assault, Sara put up a hand between them, despite
the fact he hadn't resisted her release.
    “I can't.”
    A crow coughed out its harsh sound from one of the trees.
    “Sara.” Maybe he hadn't fought her moving away from him, but
a mix of longing and warning coated his voice. She rushed to get the rest of
the words out before she lost control again.
    “I have to prove myself, Rafe. On my own terms. It can't be
because I'm the next alpha's girlfriend. Woman. Mate.” Rushing apparently led
to more linguistic stumbling. “I've got to do this on my own.”
    “You don't have to prove anything to any—”
    “Yes, I do!” God, she wanted nothing more but than to kiss
him again. To fling herself on him and have those fingers tiptoe over every
inch of her body, inside her, coaxing out more sensations that would make her
scream. “Nobody would ever take me seriously as your mate if I can't prove
myself first.”
    He took breath again to speak, but she beat him to it.
    “I want you.” She laughed a little, at herself. “Trust me.
But being a Guardian has to come first right now. Being the strongest Pack
member I can. Please, Rafe. Please say you understand that. Please.”
    Another silence stretched between, taut yet fragile. The
crow uttered its husky, croaking call again, then flapped off to another tree.
Sara was achingly aware of her racing heartbeat, her wolf's nervous pacing, the
sun bathing her in light and warmth while she felt darkness creeping inside.
    Rafe spoke as though it were difficult for him, as though he
pushed the words out through lips now stiff and hard.
    “All right, pretty wolf.” She blinked at the ragged emotion
behind those words, despite his stiff face. “Do what you have to. But I'm
telling you this. Now that I've made up my mind, I'm not letting you go again.
I think the question here is, are you letting me go before we have a chance to
make this something real?”
    As if shot through the heart, she lurched back from the
vehemence of his words. He gave her another long, almost unbearably silent
look. Then he just lifted his eyebrows and twisted his lips in acknowledgement
they were done with the conversation, and turned and left.
    Only after he was out of sight did Sara suck in a gasping
breath. Doing her best to ignore the troubled whines of her wolf, she stood for
a long time before she finally could move her leaden feet and walk on.
    Downtown Durango in springtime burst with color, life, and
the energy of newly reawakened people. An intoxicating something or other
filled the warming air with hope and promise. Fresh, bouncy joy and excitement
served to fill the streets with happy chatter and plenty of easy smiles.
    Sara tried to latch onto some of that happy la la stuff for
herself as she clicked down the sidewalk in cute little heels, which she wore
often when the weather began to warm up. She knew her blue sundress flattered
her eyes and her body. Regardless, its intended purpose of making her feel
feminine and relaxed wasn't working. At

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