Girl Next Door - The Complete Series

Free Girl Next Door - The Complete Series by C.C. Wood

Book: Girl Next Door - The Complete Series by C.C. Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.C. Wood
Tags: Contemporary
purple bra and panties (I like my underwear to match, so sue me) and a pair of fuck-me strappy sandals with a four inch stiletto heel. If it was possible, the look on his face when he saw my underwear turned me on even more.
    Between the alcohol and the hormones, my inhibitions were nil. I shoved my panties down to my ankles, unhooked my bra, and kicked them both over to form a pile with my skirt and shirt. In nothing but my shoes, I moved into Aidan and tore the buckle and button on his jeans, shoving them and his underwear to the floor. He sat on the couch and removed his boots, socks, and the jeans I’d unbuttoned. As soon as he leaned back, very naked and very hot, I dropped to my knees on the carpet and proceeded to put my mouth and hands wherever I wanted, which was pretty much everywhere on his body.
    When I took him in my mouth, using my tongue and strong suction, he cursed and buried his hands in my hair. Usually, I could take or leave oral sex, from my partner or done to my partner, but with Aidan, I got into it. Probably because he never seemed to expect it or demand it. When I felt like taking him in my mouth, his obvious enjoyment made me hotter. That, and the fact that Aidan was a firm believer in reciprocity and seemed to think that any job worth doing was a job worth doing well. I could tell he was getting close as his thigh muscles became rock hard under my hands and his hips shifted with my movements. I moved faster, using my hand and sucking harder, but Aidan wasn’t having any of it. He jerked me up into his lap and then twisted us so I was under him on the couch and his mouth was on my nipple.
    “Hey!” I exclaimed. “I wasn’t done.”
    Aidan released my breast and muttered, “If you want to suck me off, do it later. Right now, I want to ride you.”
    “Okay.” That sounded good to me, too, so I wasn’t going to bicker.
    Aidan’s hand slid down between my legs. I shifted my hips and spread my legs wider when he cupped me, using my body to ask for more. He smiled and gave it to me. I rode his fingers, panting into his mouth, until I was almost to the edge.
    When Aidan pulled his hand away, I growled low in my throat. Now was not the time for teasing. I was about to share this with him, when I felt his cock exactly where I needed it. He slid into me and I gasped and arched my back. He felt huge and my body was struggling to adjust. Always the considerate lover, Aidan started slowly at first, then moved harder and faster, until I was moving under him, with him, gripping his torso with my thighs.
    “More,” I whispered.
    Aidan didn’t respond verbally. He grasped one of my legs, lifted it, and hooked it over his shoulder. With my calf on his shoulder, he was going deeper and hitting a spot inside of me that felt so good it almost hurt, but in the best possible way. Immediately, I felt the rushing tingles in my legs and lower back. I was going to come, and it was going to be amazing. I stared into Aidan’s eyes as the first wave hit me. As the orgasm overwhelmed me, our gazes stayed locked. I whimpered as my climax continued and Aidan ground against me. I realized he was coming, too, and I watched his face tighten and it was beautiful.
    As my body shivered in the aftermath, Aidan lowered my leg to his waist, leaned down, and tucked his face into my neck. His lips drifted across my neck and his hand lazily stroked my hip. I felt stickiness between my legs and froze.
    “Um, Aidan…did we forget something, as in a rubber?” I asked. I was on the pill, but we’d still been using condoms.
    He grunted and pulled back to look down at me.
    “You’re on the pill, right?”
    I nodded. “Still, there are things you or I could catch that do worse things than create a rug monkey.”
    Aidan smiled. “I get checked out at my yearly physical once a year, which was last month, my tests were clean and I haven’t slept with anyone since then.”
    I traced his collarbone, keeping my eyes on my finger. “I

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