Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Free Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Book: Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
Tags: Romance
of oversized fur balls.”
    “Now now, Ava, there’s no need for insults. The Declan brothers are quite a sought-after bunch of Alpha males. Many women would find them irresistibly attractive.”
    She felt her nostrils flare and her blood pressure rise as she fisted her hands by her side.
    “I am not accepting this, Walt. Call whomever you have to in that Circle of Elders and tell them I said no!” Ava crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at Walt. His eyebrows scrunched up as he rose from his sitting position. Now that he stood in front of her at over six feet three inches tall, she swallowed the intimidation the best she could.
    “It makes sense that the gods have chosen such strong and superior wolves for you to mate with.”
    “Why is that? I am not of the wolf, as you and Brennan call it. Others in my family would be more suitable than I. For god’s sake, Walt, did you get a load of the size of them and all those muscles? They would crush me if they even hugged me, never mind…”
    “Never mind what, Ava?” he asked as he held her gaze.
    She ignored his question, but he wasn’t going to allow that. Walt knew her almost as well as his cousin Brennan. God, she wished Brennan was here. She wished her father was.
    “You’re worried about the sex aren’t you?” he asked, and she turned toward him, shocked at his question. She felt herself blush, and then she thought about the men. Each of them was a sight. All five men sinfully good looking, but still. They weren’t human. Those men were animals, and she hadn’t chosen them herself. If she wanted to accept a fate like that then she would have stayed in Ireland with Fenly. She wasn’t stupid. She learned a lot about wolves and what they expected from their women or mates. That was why she carried the syringes.
    “Your silence tells me I’m right on the money.”
    She looked at him, giving the evil eye best she could.
    “My sex life is none of your business, Walt.”
    “What sex life? You’re a virgin and that is exactly what a woman of your age and bloodline should be.”
    She gasped then gave him a shove to his chest. She was fuming.
    “What I should be? What kind of old-fashioned bullshit is that? And bloodline? That’s your damn wolf speaking. I am not going to be some breeding machine destined to give birth to more hair balls while chauvinistic males drag me around by my hair as they growl and drool on me.”
    Ava stared at Walt. She couldn’t believe what was coming from his mouth. She remembered when she first met him. How handsome and sophisticated he appeared with his slicked-back black hair and deep-brown eyes. Even the small scar by his neck made him appear sexy and mysterious. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on how angry she was getting with Walt instead of how most wolves appeared to be eye candy.
    “Watch your tongue, Ava. Brennan didn’t send me to keep an eye on you for the past two years to allow you to ruin yourself.”
    “Oh, you just better stop talking right now, Walt, or I swear I’m going to lose it.”
    “Sit down, Ava, and let’s talk about this. I can answer any questions you have about the mating process and about…the other stuff,” he added shyly.
    Ava threw her hands up in the air and headed toward the door.
    “Ava, don’t be so quick to dismiss your fate. They could be exactly what you need now.”
    “Five animals to do as they please with me and toss me to the side when they’re done? No thanks, Walt. If I wanted that life then I would have stayed with Fenly.”
    “The Declan brothers can protect you. They are not like Fenly. Plus, they are special.”
    She held the doorknob and took a deep breath before she replied.
    “I am finished allowing other people to make choices for me. I’m in control of my fate. I’m tired of hearing about all these special wolves and forces yet no specifics. I’m tired of running and hiding. I want to go home. I want my life back. I want Fenly to pay for

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