Touching Ice

Free Touching Ice by Laurann Dohner

Book: Touching Ice by Laurann Dohner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurann Dohner
lighting blinded Megan as the room brightened to full capacity.
    Before she could get her bearings, Ice released her, and rolled away. She thought she
    heard him utter a soft curse. She blinked rapidly, trying to adjust her vision to the
    bright lighting as she turned her head. She watched the naked backside of one sexy
    cyborg walk quickly across the room to the foam cleansing unit. It stunned her when he
    stepped inside without even glancing at her and hit the button. The wall rose, enclosing
    She sat up and yawned, having no idea how long she’d slept but knowing it had
    been a few hours at least. Her body was rested and obviously not exhausted still since
    she’d physically responded to a turned-on cyborg. She could hear the unit working as
    Ice foamed up to start his day.
    Do I get up and get dressed? Stay in bed the way a good bot would since he didn’t tell me to
    move? Damn, she thought, staying put, deciding a bot wouldn’t assume anything, just
    wait for orders.
    Minutes later the cleansing unit door lowered and a very naked and still aroused
    Ice stepped out. His blue gaze locked on Megan and her heart pounded in her chest
    when she recognized that look he gave her. He slowly approached her.
    “Get up,” he ordered.
    Megan forced her body to move and she stood next to the bed totally naked, staring
    up at Ice as he stopped just feet from her. Ice let his attention lower from her face down
    to her breasts. His tongue slid out between his full, sexy lips, and he wet his lower lip.
    “Turn around, face the bed, bend over, and grip the edge of the frame now to brace
    for me while I fuck you.”
    Her heart raced, knowing for sure what he would do to her. She was ready—she
    could feel the wetness between her thighs still, proof that her touching him and
    sleeping next to him had affected her the way it had him. His proof of passion pointed
    straight up and out, impressively standing at attention just for her. Megan slowly
    followed his orders, presenting him with her ass as she bent. Her fingers curled around
    the edge of the bed just as he’d demanded, her palms on the mattress to hold her weight
    “Spread your thighs wider apart.”
    She widened her stance by two feet and she could see between her own legs as Ice
    took a step closer, then surprised her when she saw him lower his body to crouch
    behind her, his weight resting on his bent legs. His hands gripped her inner thighs high
    and he gave her a little nudge so she spread her thighs wider by another foot.
    “You’re wet,” he whispered softly.

    Laurann Dohner
    Megan wished she could see his face but with the way he had her positioned she’d
    have to twist her waist to peer at him around her hip. She knew that was a no-no. She
    pretended to be a bot and she’d been given orders. She had no guess what he’d do to
    her but she really wanted to find out, certain it would involve pleasure. Every time Ice
    touched her he made her come.
    The large, warm hand curved around her thigh moved and his thumb brushed
    through the cream of her desire, rubbing through her slit to her clit, coating her more
    and teasing her. Her eyes closed and she licked her lips to wet them. Her breathing
    increased as he slowly rubbed back and forth. His other hand left her thigh and then
    curved around her ass cheek. He slowly rose and his thumb left her. Megan’s eyes flew
    open as his feet moved to the outside of hers and the hand on her ass curved around
    her hip. His cock brushed her as he used his free hand to adjust it and then he entered
    her pussy with one long, slow drive of his hips.
    “Yes,” he rasped. “If there’s sheer pleasure, feeling how damn tight and hot you
    are, how ready you are for me, this is it.”
    Megan couldn’t agree more as he seated his cock deep inside her body, her vaginal
    walls stretching to accommodate his thick shaft. He paused there for a moment, his
    hand on her hip tightening his hold, and then he started to move. He

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