Before A Perfect World: Movie Trilogy, Book Two (The Movie Trilogy)

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Book: Before A Perfect World: Movie Trilogy, Book Two (The Movie Trilogy) by Kimberly Stedronsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Stedronsky
together what I was asking her.
    “No,” she replied softly, closing her eyes. “I hurt him.”
    I circled my lips over hers, and she exhaled quickly, her breath sweet on my mouth.
    “ You’re very beautiful, lying here in the rain.”
    She smirked, a reaction I didn’t expect from her after the emotional roller-coaster of the last week.
    “That is something my Keaton would never say.”
    I moved closer, catching her lips in mine. She moaned softly, wrapping her arms around my neck.
    “You’re right,” I whispered against her mouth. “What I meant to say is, you’re hotter than a firecracker, all fuckable out here in this sex swing.”
    She burst out laughing, slapping my shoulder. The musical sound of her voice filled my mouth as I deepened my kiss.
    “Keaton! It’s a hammock ,” she cried, tilting her face to give me better access to her mouth. I dipped my lips to her neck, fighting back the raging hard-on as my hand slid over her stomach.
    “So, this is your house?” I asked between kisses. She writhed, her knees locked together as my tongue flicked against her soft skin.
    “ My parents’, ” she murmured, and then gasped, her fingers locking around my wrist. “My parents! You have to stop!”
    “Calm down, I don’t think they’re home,” I assured her.
    A sharp crack of thunder forced a strangled scream from her throat, and I chuckled, scooping her into my arms and turning for the house.
    The sky opened up then, but I couldn’t run. I couldn’t do anything but hold her in my arms, finding her lips again.
    Rain poured over our faces, soaking us both, and neither of us could afford the precious seconds between breaths to care.
    “Keaton… you came, I never expected you to come,” she poured, jerking at another loud boom overhead.
    “Of course I came. I wasn’t going to interfere, though. I was just going to sit in on your acting classes.”
    “Oh, my class! What time is it? I-”
    “Don’t worry, I’ll reschedule. You need some rest. And food. I can tell by those shadows under your pretty eyes.”
    My compliment did everything I’d intended it to do. She hugged me tighter. “ Please don’t stop kissing me, ” she begged.
    I carried her up the deck stairs and to the back of the house, yanking at the sliding glass door. She moved, urging me to put her down, and I gently lowered her to her feet.
    “ Upstairs? ” I asked, unable to stop running my hands over her face. I wanted to back her up to the kitchen table in front of us, hike up her dress, and bury myself inside of her.
    But I didn’t think her parents would appreciate that very much.
    “Yes. Top of the stairs, to the right.”
    I followed her. Her bedroom appeared to be frozen in time; stuffed animals on the bed, Broadway posters lining the walls, and a peaches-and-cream patterned comforter that screamed innocence.
    “Vivian Hale’s room,” I murmured, and she blushed, moving past me into the adjoining bathroom. She re-emerged with two oversized, fluffy peach towels, handing me one to dry off with.
    “You have to remember, I haven’t lived her e in a long time.”
    “ Phantom of the Opera… Evita… Cats. Andrew Lloyd Webber threw up all over your walls, V,” I teased, closing her bedroom door behind us.
    She wiped at the rain on her face, peeling off her sweater and pulling the band holding her hair. She shook the long, dark locks out, letting them whip against her skin.
    I immediately thought of he r strip-tease in the hotel room and lost all sense of reason.
    Picking her up at the waist, I lifted her to the bed, crawling over her as my lips crushed to hers.
    “ Keaton ,” she moaned, opening her legs to me. As she did, her skirt fell back to her abdomen, revealing a tiny pair of white bikini panties.
    Fuck . Me .
    I tucked one hand under her knee, sliding my palm slowly up her leg.
    By the time I reached her thigh, she was arching her back, giving me full access to the perfect V between her thighs.
    I yanked at the

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