The Heart of a Duke
circumstances we
can dispense with formality. Would you mind getting dressed? Having
a conversation is rather difficult when one party is in the
    She blinked, looking down at the soaked towel
that floated around her.
    "Yes, of course. Um. Will you please leave
then, so I might do so?"
    No? Did
he mean to stand there while she emerged naked from the water and dressed? Elle
considered his rigid back and realized that he did.
    "I cannot possibly exit the bath with you
standing in the room."
    "Then you shall become quite waterlogged,
since I have no intention of allowing you out of my sight until I
deliver you to my cousin."
    Elle stood abruptly, water sloshing over the
sides of the tub to soak the floor. There were no more towels but
an extra sheet for the bed would work just as well. She snatched it
up, stomping behind the worn screen in the corner and hastily
rubbed the bathwater from her body. Wishing she had brought her
robe for a bit more armor against his judgmental regard, Elle
yanked her nightdress over her head, nearly tearing the stitches
along the seams.
    "I'm not going back to England. My
grandfather's home is less than a day's drive more and that's where
I'm headed."
    She emerged to find Jacob glaring at her, his
wide mouth tight with grim determination. "You are welcome to try,
Eleanore, but you'll have to wait to see your grandfather at the
wedding, because you are definitely going back."
    " I will
not marry the duke. "
    Everything Elle had been feeling over the last
week welled up within her, and tears pushed against the backs of
her lids, fighting to escape. She lowered herself onto the edge of
the bed, digging her fingers into the mattress. "Do you think this
a whim? That I don't understand what I've done? I cannot marry a
man who has no more affection for me than his hounds."
    "I don't th—"
    " I
cannot ," she interrupted, her gaze meeting
Jacob's, her entire body rigid with the need to impress upon him
her seriousness. "Please. There is so little in my life I have
control of. Do not allow them to take this from me as
    Perhaps it was unfair of her to press him
thus, but she would fight for her freedom.
    A shadow passed over Jacob's face, softening
the harsh expression of implacability. He seemed to struggle with
himself for a moment, before biting off a curse, his shoulders
    He pushed off the door, and moved to sit on
the edge of the bed. The springs creaked under his weight, and she
could feel the heat coming off him from inches away, welcome
against the chill of the Scottish night air. They sat in silence
several moments before he ran a hand through his hair, a troubled
expression drawing his brows together.
    "Langley's not a bad man, Elle. Proud, and
careless at times, but not bad. He could be a good husband, if you
gave him another chance."
    Elle rubbed her lips together, and
played with the locket that still hung around her neck. The
tarnished metal was warm and smooth as silk under her fingers, a
comfort when there were so few. She knew the duke didn't intend to hurt her in
any way, but he would. How could someone live with such disinterest
and not feel the cut of it?
    "I want more than that. I
want love . I
want passion .
Langley could never give me that. It may be selfish of me, but I
won't settle for less." She raised her eyes to Jacob's, and the
connection sent a jolt of awareness through her.
    Elle was suddenly aware of how quiet the inn
had become as the evening deepened. She rubbed her lips together
again, her heart beating in her throat, and his gaze dropped to her
    The fine hairs along her arms prickled as the
moment spun out between them. The world narrowed to the feel of his
leg almost touching hers. The rustle of her nightdress as Elle
leaned toward him, unable to stop herself. The tremble of his
fingers as he raised one hand and lightly ran it over her
    She thought of nothing but Jacob as he lowered
his head until their mouths were a whisper apart.

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