The Merger
wine, but he’d been in the apartment. There were two plates from dinner. Two glasses of wine, a few beer bottles, and some Jack to go with the Coke cans. She had to be feeling like crap, but where had the British accent gone? He didn’t take advantage of her when she was drunk did he?
    Spencer’s temper began to fuel. He’d kill the bastard if he…
    “You coming?” Ed shouted.
    Spencer looked up and saw Ed and Chuck looking over plans. He nodded and headed their way.
    He’d been too worked up over Julie all night and now he was worried about Tiffany.
    They’d be done in a few minutes and he’d pick up Tiffany and take her to lunch. They could discuss what had happened the night before over a beer for him and a club soda for her.
    As he walked toward the other men, he thought a day with his girl was exactly what he needed. She could always make him feel better. And for a few hours, he could forget about work and the next week when Julie would be right there with him—every day.

Chapter Seven
    Tim-Tim-Tom’s was the name on the door. Julie laughed as she followed Avery inside the extremely small bar on lower Broadway, which looked to be tucked between two bigger bars. She couldn’t imagine Warner Wright was actually inside, but a moment later she heard the familiar sound of his music. Though she wasn’t really familiar with country music, she was familiar with reality TV. That’s where she’d known Warner Wright from.
    “I’ve never heard of this place,” she said as they weaved their way around the empty tables that were crammed into the small area.
    “No. You probably haven’t. It’s new. It’s small. And it’s kind of a secret so far. Warner and Ed are some of the partners.”
    “Who are Tim, Tim, and Tom? The other partners?”
    Avery sat down at a high four top. “Would you believe it if I told you they had us all throw names into a hat and they picked three.”
    “And that’s what they came up with?”
    “I think it’s catchy.”
    Julie agreed with a nod.
    “I’ll go up and order for us. They don’t have much in the food department yet, just your basic bar food, but the nachos are killer.”
    “That sounds good.”
    “How about a beer?”
    “I could go for that.”
    Avery started for the bar. “We’ll do yoga and take a walk later to combat this.”
    She watched her wave to the man on stage and Julie turned to see Warner Wright and she was quite sure he was sitting with Randy Sayner . She squinted. Yep, she’d seen his face on some award show—she was sure of it.
    The surreal moment washed over her. She was sitting only feet from a famous person. Two famous people. Panic flowed through her. Chances were she was going to meet those famous people.
    Her stomach began to slowly twist into a knot.
    She looked toward the bar where Avery stood with a woman who was very pregnant. They laughed and both turned toward the stage before they walked back to the table.
    “Julie, this is my cousin Clara,” Avery said setting two beers on the table.
    Clara held out her hand to shake Julie’s and it was then she got a good look at the woman with the dark hair and familiar face.
    No words came out. She was meeting Clara Wright. Warner Wright’s wife. Half of the duo of The Wrights.
    Clara smiled warmly. “It’s nice to meet you. Avery says you’re the newest tenant in the basement.”
    Julie could only nod and then she pushed that lawyer’s gut into place and took back her calm. “It’s very nice to meet you. Yes, I’m living in the basement.”
    Clara sat down and placed the bottle of water she carried on the table.
    “I love to watch those two perform,” Clara said watching her husband with dreamy eyes. “They work well together.”
    “And here I always thought you’d end up with Randy.” Avery lifted her bottle to her lips and sipped.
    “I had as much chance with Randy as you do with Pete.” She considered for a moment. “I had less. I still think you and Pete will

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