Unnecessary Roughness

Free Unnecessary Roughness by G.A. Hauser

Book: Unnecessary Roughness by G.A. Hauser Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.A. Hauser
fabulous package.
    “Well, goodnight.” Vicky leaned closer to kiss Kyle.
    Kyle went to peck her lips quickly and felt her tongue. Completely revolted, he tried to tolerate it, couldn’t, and backed off. “Goodnight.”
    Obviously rejected, she scuffed her shoes noisily on the pavement. “Come on, Hannah. I’m tired.”
    Connor stepped back from Hannah instantly.
    “Walk me to the door,” Hannah said, holding Connor’s hand. 
    Straining to hear, Kyle could only catch selected words from them as Connor and Hannah whispered. Maybe they were saying goodnight and making tentative plans.
    Connor waved as the two women entered the sorority. Then, as if straightening himself out, Connor tucked in his shirt and smoothed his hand through his hair as he jogged back down the plateau steps.
    He whacked Kyle playfully on the arm before he climbed into the car, flipping the visor down to wipe the lipstick off his face. Kyle dropped heavily behind the wheel, feeling betrayed.
    When Connor was through with his task, he grinned at Kyle. “I thought it was a decent night. You like Vicky?”
    Kyle fastened his seatbelt and checked the side mirror before he entered the traffic way. “She was okay.”
    “Not too crazy about her then? I thought she was pretty.” He shrugged and sat back, latching his own seatbelt.
    “She was. Very pretty.”
    “What didn’t you like about her? Was she too shy?”
    “No. I didn’t say I didn’t like her.”
    “Did you like Hannah? What do you think about her?”
    “What do you think about her?”
    Connor stared out of the window. “She was okay. Just average, I guess. I haven’t met one woman yet that really does anything for me, you know what I mean? I guess I’m just really picky.”
    Kyle stopped for a red light and stared at Connor’s profile. “What kind of woman are you looking for?”
    “Well, she has to be drop dead gorgeous.”
    “Hannah has pretty blue eyes.”
    “A fabulous body.” Connor touched his chin. “A sexual appetite like a guy.”
    Trying to absorb the checklist, Kyle bit his lip and moved on when the light turned green.
    “Very smart, very classy. What am I missing?” Connor turned in the seat to face him.
    “Oh, well, I don’t want her in piles of debt but she doesn’t have to be rich.”
    Strangely enough Kyle hoped he fit most the requirements perfectly. All but one.
    “I’ll never find her.”
    “You’re only twenty. You will. Give it some time.”
    Connor sighed. “How about you? What are you looking for?”
    Wondering how to answer that, he glanced over at Connor quickly, then parked in their assigned space at the apartment.
    Kyle shut off the engine and climbed out. He straightened his back tiredly as Connor met him by the door. When they walked inside the lobby Connor said, “Answer my question!”
    Still thinking of a reply, Kyle gestured for him to go first so he could watch his ass as he walked up the stairs. “What do I want in a partner?”
    “Yes. Why won’t you tell me?”
    “Okay, let’s see. Someone athletic, strong, honest.” Connor opened their apartment door for them. The items from shopping were still on the floor where they had left them. “Tall, fit, perfection in mind and body.”
    “Ha! Good luck. We’ll both end up single.” Connor stared at the mess.
    “Tomorrow.” Kyle tugged his arm.
    Nodding in agreement, Connor backed away from it. “Athletic and strong? That’s something you want in a woman?”
    Kyle wanted to tell him, he didn’t say it had to be a woman. He couldn’t. Not after seeing a woman fondling Connor’s crotch. “I want someone to stay in shape with me. Someone to play sports with.”
    “That sounds like a tomboy.” Connor kicked off his shoes and went to wash up.
    Kyle followed him. “No, it doesn’t.”
    “Or a man!” Connor stuck his toothbrush in his mouth.
    Knowing he couldn’t win this debate, Kyle lowered his head and walked to his bed to take off his

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