Taming the Boy Next Door

Free Taming the Boy Next Door by M. J. Carnal

Book: Taming the Boy Next Door by M. J. Carnal Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. J. Carnal
his mom and dad, they were on their way.
    “Remind me to kill my brother.  Did you see my mom’s face when he introduced you?  He’s dead.”  Andi rolled her eyes as Kevin switched her radio station. 
    “It was only a matter of time before we announced we were in love anyway.”  Kevin poked her in the side.
    “I like women.” 
    “Give me a break.  I heard about your fling with Moretti.”  Kevin laughed.  If looks could kill, the one Andi gave him would have landed him six feet under.  “And I heard you and Ryan had a thing for awhile.  Hell, the only one I haven’t heard about is Steve.  Want to come clean on that one?”
    “If you think for one second that I would be caught dead with one of the Moretti misfits, you don’t know me at all.”  She growled as he changed the radio station for the fourth time.  “Kevin!  My car, my music.”
    He purposely changed the station again. 
    “Thanks for today.”  Jena cuddled into Caleb’s chest.  The room was dark and cool and smelled like him.  She took a deep breath, memorizing everything about the moment.  Six months.  Such a tiny amount of time.  Especially knowing several of those months were spent apart, never laying eyes on each other. 
    Something was different about Caleb.  Despite the grim news that surrounded their first meeting, he had caught her eye.  And it hadn’t taken long before her heart stood up and took notice.  The first touch, in the quiet hallway of the ICU in the middle of the night, had sent her brain into overdrive and it hadn’t calmed since.  His laugh made her smile, his deep voice made her shiver and that crooked smile, with the mouth full of straight, white teeth, made her weak in the knees.  She grinned.
    “Thank you for going with me.  My mom loved you.  And my dad said if he was ever single again, you were in trouble.”   He chuckled.  “I’ve never introduced anyone to my parents.  Does that scare you?”
    “A little bit.”  She laughed as Caleb flipped her onto her back and tickled her senseless.  His hands stilled and she smiled.  His big, green eyes taking in every angle of her face.
    “You’re beautiful.”  He rested his forehead against hers.  Shutting his eyes, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves.  His heart pounded against his ribcage.  In an instant, it was all so clear.  “I love you.”
    Jena sucked in a breath.  “Caleb.”
    “Shhh.  You don’t have to say anything.  I just needed to tell you.”
    His lips met hers.  The kiss was soft and there was no doubt in her mind that she felt it too.  She wanted to tell him but fear kept her silent.  He held her cheeks in his hands, tilting her head to deepen the kiss.  She smiled against his mouth and he smiled back. 
    The front door slammed and they both jumped.  Muffled voices became louder in the living room.  “She’s pissed.”  They both laughed.  “Pay back is going to be a bitch but it was worth it.”
    As Jena started to speak, there was a crash in the living room and Andi yelled.  The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he strained to hear what they were saying.  He placed his hand over Jena’s mouth to silence her.
    Pouring rain.  Darkness.  Something wasn’t ri ght.  Footsteps echoed. Too many.  She picked up her pace.  She shouldn’t have walked home.  It was too late.  She should have called for a ride.  She began to run.  The footsteps pounded behind her.  Her breathing echoed in her ears.  No No No No No.  Her heart beat out of her chest as her stomach churned.  She tried to scream but her breath left her.  His body was solid, attacking her, tackling her to the ground.  His hand was big and dirty.  He reeked of alcohol.  No no no no.  This couldn’t be real.  He covered her mouth to silence her.  She couldn’t breathe.  There was a puddle.  Her clothes were soaked. So much darkness.  Her pants were torn.  She screamed.  No no no no.  He shoved

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