Dwellers of Darkness

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Book: Dwellers of Darkness by Stacey Marie Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Marie Brown
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Adult
stubble on his head. “ Ciach Ort! Have you any idea what I went through when you disappeared?” His tone was harsh and defensive. “I couldn’t feel you,” he whispered hoarsely and turned away. “I searched everywhere, thinking maybe you were only out of range, that if I went a little farther I’d be able to feel you... I never did. Hoping you were still alive, I went crazy trying to find you.”
    There was a loud snort from the other side of the door.
    Ignoring Gabby, Eli went on. “I’ve been on Earth for twenty-two human years now, but nothing felt longer than those three years.”
    Moisture had evaporated from my mouth. My throat constricted as I tried to swallow. No words formed on my tongue.
    In a flash his somber mood turned volatile. His hands wrapped around my biceps as he stepped closer, fingers digging into my skin. “Don’t you ever do it again.”
    My response was automatic. I’ve never done well with authority. “I can do whatever the hell I want. You have no say.” I tried to tug out of his grip to no avail.
    “Oh, I have a say when you are doing foolish shit.” He tightened his grip, his breath heavy.
    My body became even stiffer. “No, you don’t. I may be part Dark Dweller, but you cannot command me. I am not something you can control. My choices and actions are my own.”
    “Damn it!” Eli roared. “Do you have any self-preservation? Any idea with one word or signal from the Queen you and your family would be dead right now? Luck and two pixies are the only reasons you are standing here right now.”
    “So ... I had nothing to do with the fact we’re safe?” I screamed back. “You don’t think maybe some of my skills and training are responsible for getting us out?” I didn’t want to mention the only reason I was actually still alive was Torin had told the Queen I was part Dark Dweller. That knowledge had spared my life. But right now I felt too pissed to be honest.
    He barked a short laugh, which only provoked my fury. Without warning, I cinched him closer, my leg hitching around the inside of his, and with a yank I tightened my leg, pulling it back. His feet came out from underneath him, making him land hard on his back, shaking the cabin walls. I leaped onto his chest, pulled the dagger out of my boot, and brought it to his throat.
    “Let me ask you again.” My words were measured. “Do you really think my skills had nothing to do with getting us out?” His eyes flared red again, but this time it was not from anger. “Don’t ever doubt me again.” I tilted my head. “If I can have you down on your back without even pulling from my powers, then give me a little more credit than it simply being luck.”
    “I knew you wanted me on my back again.” Lust pulsated through his gaze, making the air grow thick. “Damn. That ... that was hot.”
    I couldn’t stop the smile forming on my lips. Just as quickly as I had him on his back, he pulled me down, and flipped me onto mine.
    “This works for me, too.” He crawled between my legs. His cocky smile thrust my pulse into overdrive. His gaze moved over me, causing me to become dizzy. We didn’t move as yearning and desire saturated the room, weaving together so tightly it hurt. We hadn’t really cleared anything up, but the need to have a heart-to-heart evaporated when he pressed closer to me.
    I acted first. My head rocked forward and my lips crashed into his. With a groan, his hands came around the back of my head and pulled me in tighter. Kissing him felt like finding water in a desert after months. I couldn’t stop the whimper of relief and happiness which escaped as I felt his tongue slide over my lips, into my mouth. Our lips were desperate and needy as we inhaled each other. Lust blocked out everything beyond each other. Our hands were already yanking at the clothes obstructing us from touching each other. My fingers tugged the hem of his shirt over his head. His inked lines wound over his shoulder, down his

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