Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)

Free Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series) by Marie Higgins

Book: Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series) by Marie Higgins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Higgins
his slumber had been thwarted, instead, it was the wayward wife he’d married two years ago. If only he could banish her from his thoughts. But when he tried, he couldn’t erase the memory of his six-year-old son’s glowing smile as he’d looked up at his stepmother.
    Yesterday, William had anticipated a visit by the little group at his office, but instead Kat took his children home. When he returned to the house after work, his eager little boy described in great detail the morning, and both James and Lizzy presented him with gifts—a silver clothing brush and brown slippers.
    The joyous moments with his children felt like Christmas all over again. It softened William’s heart to know Kat had indeed, treated them well, yet she’d left a gaping hole of suspicion buried deep in his chest, making him uneasy.
    The morning had snuck on him, and finally, the sun rose in the sky. William lifted himself from the chair and dressed for the day. Brandon Kennedy would be back in the office today, and William awaited the news of their new contract with the King’s Navy, but more importantly, he hoped he’d hear more about Colonel Burwell’s activities. William still sought an invitation to the colonel’s weekend party, and he’d not let up until he physically held the invitation.
    Making his way down the stairs, he listened for Kat’s voice, but a hollow silence hung in the air. At last, signs of regularity. He knew it wouldn’t take long before she went back into her idle habits.
    The cook had a honey butter scone, a hot cup of strong coffee, and the morning newspaper waiting for him at the table when he entered the dining room.
    “Good morning, Horace,” he greeted the older black woman.
    “‘ Mornin ’, Mistah Braxton.”
    William sat, then flipped open the paper. “Did my children tell you about their eventful morning yesterday?”
    “Oh, yessuh .” The older woman laughed, the extra amount of flesh on her chin and neck shook in rhythm. “James is still talkin ’ ‘bout it dis mornin ’.”
    William lowered the paper and stared at her. “This morning? James is up this early?”
    “Why, yessuh , Mistah Braxton. Him and Miz Braxton went outside to watch Levi and Hiram exercise de horses.”
    “What?” He jumped out of his chair, knocking it over in the process. He strode to the window and looked toward the stables just down the hill.
    His son stood beside Kat, his eyes wide as his head swung back and forth between Kat and the horse. Then his son laughed for the second time since his mother had died. Kat reached down and stroked James’ cheek, her face lit with merriment as she laughed along with him.
    What was her purpose? A throb in the base of William’s skull began, pounding harder the more his anger climbed. He fisted his hands and slammed them on the windowpane. He’d find out right now about that scheming woman’s plans.
    Putting aside his morning meal, he marched outside toward the stables, ready to verbally shred his wife apart. He neared and the joyous peals of laughter from his son filled the quiet morning air, decreasing his anger. Crisp morning wind whipped around his son’s head and teased the baby curls dampened against his moist forehead. James glanced William’s way, broke away from the fence and ran toward him.
    “Papa, do you know what?” The red-faced boy continued without waiting for a reply. “We’re watching the horses get exercised, and in a few minutes Mercy will let me ride with her.”
    William knelt in front of James and brushed his hand across his son’s pink cheeks. Kat met his gaze over James’ head. She smiled and tightness gripped his chest.
    “Good morning, William,” she acknowledged, her voice filled with sweetness.
    He wished she wouldn’t say his name in such a soft tone. The sound compared to heavenly harps as they played in his lonely ears, making him long for a relationship that would never happen. More importantly, it made him wish for the wife she

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