Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)

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Book: Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series) by Marie Higgins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Higgins
would never be.
    He nodded. “Good morning, Kat. What is this I hear about you going for a morning ride with my son?” He stood and took a step toward her.
    “Yesterday James mentioned he had not been riding, and I thought—”
    “You should not think without consulting with me first.” His voice boomed through the air, loud enough that it startled the horse standing by the fence. The animal snorted and jerked away from them.
    Kat’s smile faded and the light in her green eyes dimmed. The urge to apologize hung strong on William’s tongue. He shouldn’t have spoken so roughly. But he remained stern in his decision.
    “As you wish. I will do so now.” She lifted her chin. “Will you allow James to go on a short ride with me this morning?”
    Before he could answer, his son yanked on William’s sleeve. He tried to ignore the young child, but James would not let him.
    “Please, Papa? I really wanna go with Mercy.”
    William arched his brow at his wife. “Mercy? When did he start addressing you by that name?”
    “When I gave him permission to use my nickname.”
    “I thought your nickname was Kat.”
    “No. You are the only person who has ever called me that name, which I still do not understand.”
    “ ’Tis because of the wild streak in you. You are a wild cat.”
    “So you think, but I also know you call me that to taunt me further.”
    “Aye. The name fits the reputation of the woman I married quite well.”
    “Papa?” James tugged on his sleeve again. “Mercy said I could call her that. Please do not be mad.”
    William glanced down into the grayish-blue eyes of his son and smiled, knowing he couldn’t deny him anything. “I am not angry, James, but I would like to talk to Mercedes for a few minutes. Will you go to the house and help Horace in the kitchen?”
    James frowned. “No. You are gonna yell at Mercy again, and I wanna go riding.”
    “James.” William gave him a sharp tone. “Do as I say.”
    “James, honey?” The mysterious woman crouched to the boy’s level. She smiled, her eyes softening. “If your father does not wish you to go riding with me, we must obey. Perhaps he thinks you are still too young. I should have asked before inviting you.” She pushed an unruly lock of James’ chestnut hair off his forehead.
    William’s heart softened. Frowning, he gritted his teeth and wished he wouldn’t react in such a way when she displayed such kindness. Obviously, it was just an act.
    “But...” James mumbled, then looked back at him. “Papa? It’s all right, you know. I’m a big boy, now. I think I can ride a horse as long as Mercy helps me.” He moved away from her and over to William’s leg. “‘Sides, you need not worry about me. I like her now. She is not mean anymore.” His grin widened. “Even Lizzy is starting to like her.”
    Anger welled inside William, threatening to suffocate him. He swallowed and forced a smile. “Fine. You can go riding, but not today. You and Kat can go another time. Right now I need to speak with her.”
    His son pouted and hung his head. “Oh, all right.” James turned to Kat. “We shall have to go riding another time.”
    She stood. “That is fine.”
    With wilted shoulders, James moved back to the house, dragging his feet with every step and kicking his feet in the damp soil.
    Once the boy was out of sight, William turned his attention back on Kat and glared. “What is going on?”
    He stepped closer and the fragrance of her lilac scented soap eased his anger. He closed his eyes and breathed deeper. Realizing what he was doing, he jerked them open and clamped his teeth.
    Not knowing what was happening to him, he vowed he wouldn’t let the deceiving woman get to him. Yet, when he gazed over every inch of her face, his heart leapt to his throat, ignoring the anger he wanted to keep. Her beautiful forest-green eyes had a hint of liquid as if she struggled with her emotions. Her heart-shaped lips parted, and a scent of mint blew

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