Dagon's Ride [Brac Pack 19]

Free Dagon's Ride [Brac Pack 19] by Lynn Hagen

Book: Dagon's Ride [Brac Pack 19] by Lynn Hagen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Hagen
Tags: Inc., Siren-BookStrand
chin. With the sun setting behind his mate, Dagon had never seen a more serene sight.
    The late rays beamed to create a halo around Taylor’s head, making Dagon’s Ride
    him seem like he wasn’t from earth, but an angel who had come down from heaven.
    Dagon’s fingertips traced down Taylor’s face, his thumb caressing his sex-swollen lips. “You’re perfect.”
    “You’re only saying that because…” Taylor waved a hand at Dagon’s still-exposed cock, turning a deep scarlet.
    “No, I’d say it even if we didn’t have sex, although it helps.” He smiled at Taylor’s hopeful eyes.
    “You really think so?” Taylor looked at Dagon with nothing short of adoration. Dagon combed his fingers through his hair, wondering if Taylor was going to freak out again since he sucked him off.
    He cringed when he saw the look, the one that said Taylor was on his way to a nuclear meltdown. “Now relax, it was just a blow job.” When Taylor’s mouth gaped open, Dagon wished he had phrased that differently. He stood, quickly shoving his softened cock back into his jeans.
    “I–I–I’m okay, really,” Taylor squeaked out. Maybe he should help his mate stand on his feet. K neeling before Dagon couldn’t be helping the matter.
    “It was the best.” He tried a different tactic, hoping it worked.
    “It–it was?”
    Okay, he could deal with stammering. It was better than sobbing.
    “I’m reaching into my bag of rewards right now and slapping a gold star on your forehead for the sheer enthusiasm you showed.” Taylor tilted his head and stared at Dagon, his right eye closing slightly. Maybe that last part was too much. “I’ve never done that before. I may not be a pro, but I tried,” his mate spat out.
    Anger was real good. It was an emotion Dagon was familiar with and could handle better than tears or a meltdown. “I said you did a good job.”
    “O h, thank you, boss man, can I get a raise?” Taylor got to his feet and stomped back over to the bench. Dagon had a raging hard-on from his mate’s fire. Was the guy bipolar? Sure as shit acted that way.

    Lynn Hagen
    “We should go. It’s dark out now.” Taylor snagged his treats and stormed off toward the motorcycle. This roller coaster ride was making Dagon’s head spin.
    If Taylor was going to flip the script every time they had sex, he was going to need a big ass bottle of aspirin.
    Okay, so he didn’t the last time, but two out of three was too many in his book. Dagon followed behind him like a good little warrior, ready to throw Taylor over his bike and give him a good old-fashioned ass whooping.
    Fuck, he was hard again.
    “Are you going to pout all the way home?”
    Dagon pulled his leather on, smashing his helmet over his head and swinging his leg over his hog. Why was he berating himself?
    Taylor was the one who offered. He was a guy and sure as hell wasn’t going to refuse sex with his own mate. Now Dagon was as confused as Taylor acted. Should he have? Or would that have given Taylor the impression he wasn’t interested? Dagon felt caught between a rock and a hard place. He wasn’t sure what he should do anymore.
    Damn psycho.
    He waited impatiently as Taylor climbed on back, peeling away as soon as his mate was seated. He hit the road doing ninety miles an hour, so pissed off right now that he wanted to find an anonymous person and beat the living hell out of him. He didn’t like doubting himself. Taylor made him feel as though he were chasing his own tail and getting nowhere, fast.
    “You could slow down. I don’t think I would look good being scraped off of the road.”
    Why did he have to invest in helmets with headsets? “Keep quiet back there.”
    “Why? I sucked your cock. Can I absorb that fact?” Dagon’s Ride
    “Absorb it quietly. You’re disturbing my anger.” Dagon did slow down, Taylor’s words hitting home the fact that if they wrecked, neither would probably survive it at this speed.
    He pulled

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