Ron’s rear end. Ron thought he would die of embarrassment.
He forced himself to look back at Paddy. Paddy’s face that was open with sincerity.
“What? You do?”
“My God, yes. If you somehow got the idea that….”
It was now all Ron could do not to cry.
Paddy took one step closer, and now their chests were touching. “Oh, Ron,” he said. “I’m so sorry you misunderstood me. God. I was so hot for you, and you thought I was making fun of you?” A light dawned in his eyes. “Of course you did. Your parents…. Your fucked-up parents.” Paddy leaned in, touching his forehead to Ron’s. “Can you ever forgive me?”
Ron couldn’t believe what he was hearing. All this time he’d thought Paddy was making fun of him. Being cruel. And he’d been hot for him. Hot for his fat ass all these months. What should have been a night of incredibly hot sex—and Paddy said he wanted to rim him, and he’d never been rimmed before, but it was a fantasy—turned out to be a lousy night of sex that wasn’t even sex. Because Ron had left.
“Oh God, Paddy.”
“Ron…. Can we make up for it? Can we go back to my place? Hit Reset? We can even have some Death By Chocolate Cake, if you want.”
Ron shook his head. He just couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
Five minutes ago he’d been a man who constantly heard the word “fatass” in his head. And now he was a man who might be on the edge of… of what? Just what was Paddy offering?
Well, at the very least, a life of not hearing that echo in his head anymore!
And then Paddy was kissing him.
It was soft and slow and gentle. Paddy put his arms around Ron and pulled him even closer. Ron wrapped his arms around Paddy and kissed back and ever so slightly opened his mouth, touching his tongue to Paddy’s full lips.
And felt Paddy’s hard cock against his own.
Then Paddy was standing back—looking, really looking at him.
“You have to understand, Ron. I like you. A lot. This can’t be a one-night stand. If we’re going to do this, we have to go all the way. I want you as my boyfriend.”
Ron thought his legs would go out from under him. But then suddenly strength flowed up through him so strongly he thought he could burst right out of his skin.
“Oh, Paddy! I’m in love with you!”
A radiant look came over Paddy’s face. “You are?”
Ron nodded. “I am.”
He was never sure who pulled whom into their arms first. He discovered when he dropped his hands to Paddy’s butt that the man’s ass was bare. It felt wonderful.
And then they were kissing again.
P ADDY WAS in the bathroom, and Ron was at the bar getting them both a drink when Jon said, “ Heeeeeyyyy .”
He was obviously very drunk. Thank goodness he wasn’t driving.
“Hello, Jon.” Ron laughed—he wasn’t even sure why. Joy. That was it. Pure joy.
“I saw you two K-I-S-S-I-N-G !” Jon said and giggled.
Ron blushed.
But it felt good.
“I am so glad you two finally got together!”
Ron nodded. “Me too,” he gushed.
“I am so glad ol’ Paddington Bear talked us into fixing the vote.” Jon giggled again.
Ron stiffened. “Fixing the vote? What vote?”
“Yeah. So you could be president and he could be vice president. He so wanted to work with you. He had a crush on you way back then.”
“Fixed the vote?” Ron cried. “He didn’t win? You guys fucked the vote so he could be vice president?”
A look of surprise spread over Jon’s face. “Uh-oh….”
Anger flashed through Ron. Fixed the vote! How could Paddy have done it? It was wrong! He’d cheated the club, cheated the members. Who had he pushed out of the slot? Someone who desperately wanted it? “Come with me!” he growled and grabbed Jon’s upper arm and dragged him away from the bar.
“Hey, man, that hurts.”
It didn’t take Ron long to find the board, even with the hundreds of men in the room. He just looked for the incredibly tall pointed gnome hat and the chef’s hat that was