
Free Disconnected by Bethany Daniel

Book: Disconnected by Bethany Daniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Daniel
back. If I could have my way she would be with me 24-7. Having her in eyesight at all times to know she's really there and not keeping me out of her life anymore would make me a very happy man. I feel like I could lose her at any time.
                  Before I know it we're back at the girls' dorm and Krista is making little gagging noises. I think Katy is in for a messy night.
                  "Oh, God," Krista moans, bolting out of the limo and making a beeline for the door.
                  "Oh boy...sorry guys, I better go help her." Katy gives me a quick look and small smile before getting out and starting to run after Krista.
                  "Call me when everything gets settled, ok?" I yell out the window.
                  "I will!" She yells back, waving, and then she's gone.
                  I sigh and sink back into the seat and look over at Scott.
                  "Don't even start," he warns me, rubbing his eyes.
                  "I didn't say anything!"
                  "You don't have to. You've given me enough death glares in the last hour to let me know you're pissed."
                  I sigh and look out the window. "I'm not pissed, ok? Just really, really frustrated."
                  "I'm sorry man. I really didn't plan on her getting drunk." He shakes his head. "We had a lot of fun though," he grins, rubbing his chin.
                  I roll my eyes. "No more double dates," I tell him, turning my eyes to him.
                  "Agreed, and no more alcohol."
                  "Agreed." I laugh. "Has Scott Adams been tamed?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.
                  He frowns, stopping to think about it. "I don't know yet. But I think she's on the right track."
                  "So, no more Excite parties, then?"
                  He looks me in the eye and shakes his head. "I don't think so."
    Chapter 10
                  Just a little bit after getting back to the hotel I sat down and flipped on the TV anxiously waiting for Katy to call me. I can only imagine what she has to deal with right now.
                  I shake my head and scoot back as I hear my phone go off with a text. 
                  "Will call tomorrow, I'm beat, had a good time tonight though. Next time, maybe we can have an alone date?" 
                  I smile at that, my thoughts exactly. I'm not sharing my time or attention with anyone else when it comes to being with her. I gotta take what I can get.
                  "For sure, I had fun too, can't wait to see you again. Night baby, I love you." I bite my lip after typing those last three words out. I don't know if she still loves me, but I never stopped loving her. 
                  The following week we are worked hard. Really early mornings and late nights, photo shoots, re-shoots, more script changes than I thought should be allowed and I've hardly gotten to talk to Katy, much less see her. I think not getting to see Krista is really bothering Scott too. They haven't even gotten to form much of a bond with each other, especially since the whole date fiasco. She sends him pictures and things but I can tell it's not enough for him, hell for me either. I really miss what time I can spend with Katy. 
                  "The girls are planning on coming to the set today, right?" Scott asks scooting into the chair next to mine.
                  I nod taking a drink from a water bottle. "Yep, some time this afternoon after their classes are done for the day."
                  He nods. "Good. I really want to make up for last week. I want her to be my official girlfriend." He looks around at all the people walking by. "She's really gotten under my

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