Through the Dom's Lens
hard and nodded.
ended up going home with him. It's not something I'm proud of, but I had drunk
one too many and he was very persuasive. He fancied himself an expert in all
things kinky, so we did … well, let's just say he tied me up and spanked me,
but it didn't exactly turn me on. I thought I'd just drunk one too many, and anyway,
he took pictures, too, without me knowing. It wasn't pretty."
tear slid down her face, and Junsako let go of her hand and opened his arms. He
couldn’t do anything to take her obvious pain of what happened away, but he
could damn well comfort her.
here and let me hold you, baby."
jumped off her chair with such haste that it clattered to the floor, and was on
his lap in the blink of an eye. Her actions soothed the savage anger at the way
she'd been treated. It tore away at his insides, and there was more to this
story. He sensed it.
she was safely ensconced in his arms she started talking again.
didn't know about the pictures at first, and when he took me home in the
morning he was all charm and insisted he wanted to see me again. I wasn't sure,
because, you know, but he was very persistent. He bombarded me with flowers and
wined and dined me, and he even made an effort to … you know … get me
    "I should fucking well hope so,
baby. Did he at least manage that?" Junsako had to ask, even though he dreaded
the answer. He didn't really want to know what the asshole did with his Sally,
did he? And she was his. There was no
denying the strength of his feelings that made his heart beat faster and wanted
to keep her with him always. That way he could protect her from all the Lukes of this world who didn't know a precious gift when
they were given it.
and no. He was too rough, and, well, let's just say he was very good at making
me feel guilty. I guess when you've heard you’re too fat all your life, it's easy to believe someone when they say it's your
fault. I'm not proud of those few months I was with him. That person wasn't me.
It was Maddy in the end, who sat me down and asked me what on earth I was doing. You see, he was always busy
when it came to meeting any of my family, but she saw him leave my place one
morning, and she went ballistic. Turns out that she had an
injunction out against him for stalking her."
swore under his breath, and Sally nodded grimly.
didn't understand that, but I agree with whatever you called him just
now." Junsako tightened his hold on her and kissed the top of her head. He
had sworn in Japanese without even realizing it. Funny how many times he'd
lapsed into his mother's language since meeting Sally. He didn't usually. It
was yet another sign of how much she'd gotten under his skin in the short time
he'd known her.
called him a motherfucking bastard, and threatened to make him eat his own
giggled at that, and a weight lifted off his shoulders.
have trouble finding them, Sir. He wasn't exactly blessed in that department.
As Maddy said all those steroids he popped to achieve
his muscle mass, took whatever brain he carried around in his non-existent
hooted with laughter, and his stomach muscles tightened when Sally ran her
hands all over him.
like you, Sir."
compliment settled deep in his heart, and he kissed her. The salt of her tears
mixed with the sweet flavor that was his Sally, and by the time he broke the
kiss they were both breathing heavily, and he was so hard he could drill holes
with his damn cock.
what happened in the end? You said there were pictures?"
shiver went through Sally, and he sighed.
you remember a few years back there was a bit of hoo-hah over naked pictures of Maddy in the press?"
frowned and then swore as he remembered the brief but rather colorful episode.
was you?" he asked, and she nodded.
were horrible. I'm not really sure why anyone thought they were Maddy . I mean she is so beautiful and skinny,

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