Through the Dom's Lens
the floor
I put some clothes on? Please, Sir?"
turned at the door, and the heat in his gaze set her alight from the inside
suppose you better.   There is a robe you
can use in the wardrobe. We do need to eat something, I guess. You'll need your
strength for what I have in mind later."
knew she blushed to the roots of her hair, and the dratted man just laughed and
strolled out of the door.
Sally demolish her croissant was an exercise in torture. Junsako groaned under
his breath when she bit into the pastry with such a look of bliss on her face
that his cock threatened to appear over the top his waistband. The thin silk
robe she had chosen to wear revealed more than it concealed. He could clearly
see her aroused nipples through the sheer fabric. They would look beautiful
pierced and adorned with nipple clamps, and he knew just which ones to
grinned around his coffee cup, and Sally smiled.
    "What' so funny, Sir?"
much, pet. I'm just thinking of delicious ways to torture you."
choked on her mouthful of orange juice, and he rocked back on his chair and
adjusted his damn cock for the umpteenth time. Sally's gaze dropped to his
groin, and heat rose in her cheeks. God, how he loved the way
she did that. There was that word again—loved.
shook his head at himself. He was turning into a soppy fool, and she had given
him no indication that she felt anything more for him than simple lust. Yes, he
thought he read more in her eyes, but women got emotional when they had sex. It
didn't mean that she cared for him in any other way than sexually.
I might say so, Sir, you're thinking awfully hard."
sassy comeback shook him out of his maudlin thoughts, and he shrugged his
was just wondering what your take on love is. You never said, earlier. Was
there someone special in your life?"
regretted his question the minute he asked it, because her beautiful eyes
clouded over and she bit her lip. It made him want to find the bastard who had
taken her love and thrown it back at her and beat him into a pulp.
thought there was, once. But he turned out to be after Maddy instead."
was Junsako's turn to choke on his sip of coffee, and Sally's smile was so sad
it tore at his heart.
okay. I should have been used to it. People always preferred Maddy . If she wasn't such a sweetheart I'd hate her."
reached across the table to take her hand in his and squeezed, and she gave him
a watery smile.
grown up in her shadow. She's five years older than me, as you know, and when
she first started modeling I was developing curves. I had been as skinny as her
before. The spitting image in fact, but where she got taller and skinnier, I
got taller and grew these."
waved at her breasts as though they were some form of abnormality, and he
growled his annoyance. Her eyes widened, when he spoke through gritted teeth.
not make me put you over me knee again, pet. You have the most amazing tits,
and as for the rest of your body, I could spend all day exploring those curves
and not get bored, so don't even go there with the hating. I warn you."
when your sister is a model and your mum is an ex-model and still as skinny as
anything, curves aren't popular, trust me. Mum put me on countless diets and
fitness regimes, but I was still left with too many curves. It was somewhat of
a relief when she stopped trying, because Maddy made
it big, and then I met Luke."
frowned and tried to pull her hand away, but Junsako wouldn't let her,
he prompted. "That the bastard's name?"
lips kicked up in the semblance of a smile.
met him in a bar. I don't frequent them often, but it was my work colleague's
hen night and he came up to me, and, well, he was so charming and tall, and
good looking, and…" She blushed again, and Junsako gave her hand another
reassuring squeeze.
    "And? It
was all an act?"

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