Gift Wrapped
here.” She stretched forward, head bowed, ass in the air. “I want you to make good on your dirty talk.”
    In a blink, he’d shut off the TV built into a wall unit across from his bed. Then he was behind her, stroking her back, her thighs, the curves she’d offered up by assuming this position. Electricity crackled between them, sparking hot every place he touched. He molded his body over her back, brushing her hair aside to kiss her neck. His cock filled the valley of her ass and he rocked his hips, mimicking intercourse.
    Every muscle in her body clenched—particularly the ones she’d need to relax in the immediate future. “You’re going to use lube, right?”
    “You think that’s how we’re going to do this—just grease and go?” He caught her chin when she shrugged, turning her face toward his. “Any guy who treated you that way deserves to meet my fist.”
    “You don’t have enough hands.”
    He exhaled, long and low, then rolled onto his back, with his arm covering most of his face.
    “I’m sorry.”
    The arm lifted, revealing intense, hazel eyes that bored into her soul. “No way. Those words shouldn’t be leaving your lips. Not with me, and not with any other guy.” He reached for her. Repositioned them, spoon style, before she could slink away and find a rock to hide beneath. “You’re a beautiful, fun, sexy woman, Brinn. Don’t let any man chip away at that with assholish behavior or shitty sexual techniques. When the time and guy are right, the ‘lube’ question won’t even enter your mind.”
    She groaned and buried her face against the strong-yet-gentle arm holding her close. “God, I’m the worst one-night stand ever. This has to be a first for you, inviting a woman over for sex, but having to give her a pep talk instead.”
    His chuckle tickled the back of her neck. “You’re definitely not the worst one-night stand ever. And everybody needs reassurance from time to time.”
    “That’s what family and girlfriends are for, not the hot guy from the mall whose massive hard-on is wedged between your ass cheeks.”
    Davis laughed full out this time—with enough force to shake the bed. The sound wrapped around her, a verbal hug to go with the intimacy of his embrace.
    Foolishly, she allowed the moment—or more accurately, Davis—to sweep her away. She snuggled closer, warming inside and out when he tightened his hold and kissed her hair. This is exactly what she wanted. A great guy who knew how to make her come. When to cuddle and talk. She didn’t get to keep Davis, but he’d proven that quality men existed. She’d go home with the memory of several fantastic orgasms and renewed hope in the male gender. Not a bad Christmas present at all.
    Without relinquishing his hold, Davis managed to turn off the bedside lamp and pull the duvet over them. The darkness mingled with the comfort of his body. Exhaustion from the hectic, pre-holiday week hit her hard. Sleep beckoned and she couldn’t resist, despite the lure of more orgasms he could undoubtedly deliver.
    “Sorry I’m so tired,” she said, from the edge of dreamland.
    “Stop saying you’re sorry.”
    “Sorry,” she said, sleepily giggling against the beefy biceps that’d become her pillow.
    A light smack graced the side of her bum. “I ought to put you over my knee for that.”
    “ Mmm …I might like it.”
    “I know I would.” His hard-on pressed insistently against the spankable area in question. He slid his hand around her hip, settling it between her legs possessively.
    Awareness flickered beneath his touch. That’s all it was, though—a brief spark. Try as she might, she couldn’t find the energy to encourage him. “Davis…”
    “Sshh, it’s late. I’ll still be here in the morning.”
    “It is your house.”
    “I meant here,” he said, giving her a gentle squeeze.
    Maybe she was crazy, falling asleep in his bed. Making herself completely vulnerable to a man she barely knew. Nothing about it felt

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