Fate Interrupted 3

Free Fate Interrupted 3 by Kaitlyn Cross

Book: Fate Interrupted 3 by Kaitlyn Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlyn Cross
of this on video?”
    “No,” Jon lied.
    Dean swallowed a
cold drink of beer. “So where’d everyone end up sleeping?”
    “Eventually, we
all crashed in my bed with me in the middle.” Jon tipped his can back and drained it. “When we woke up this afternoon, Kiley was gone and things were a little weird between Pam
and I .”
    “What’d she
say?” Shaun asked him.
    “That’s just it,
she didn’t say anything. She acted
like nothing had happened.” Jon stared off into the night, narrowing his vacant
    “Are you
bullshitting us?” Dean asked.
    “I’m not lying.”
    Dean glanced at
the others. “So where do you go from here with Pam? Just act like it never
    “That’s why I
need your advice.”
    “I wouldn’t do anything,” Will said, cracking open
another one of Shaun’s beers. “If she wants to act like it never happened, then
that’s what you do.”
    “You think?”
    Ben nodded his
agreement with his father-in-law. “She’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. By day, she’s
a mild mannered health inspector, at night she turns into some turbocharged
    Jon rubbed his
chin. “Yeah, I guess so.”
    “You’re looking
at this all wrong, Jon.” Shaun leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.
“You get the best of both worlds here. You’re locked down with a hot, sweet
girl on movie night, but on party nights you get to bang other chicks.”
    The captain
laughed hard, drawing their attention.
    Jon lowered his
voice, his eyes going distant again. “There was one point at four in the morning
when I had Kiley bent over...”
    A loud honk made
everyone jump. They turned to see Captain Taylor flash a searchlight three
times at a green dot off in the distance. The approaching vessel honked back
and flashed its lights in return.
    Dean sat up
straighter in the camping chair, squinting across the water. “Who the hell is
    Shaun and Jon
traded knowing looks while Will pulled out a shiny Colt Python from his
    “Whoa!” Shaun
cried, holding his hands up. “Why does he have a gun?”
    Will popped the
cylindrical chamber open and slammed it shut again. “Could be
Somali pirates.”
    Jon’s face
soured. “On Lake Michigan?”
    “No guns on the boat!”
Captain Taylor barked, killing the engine and plunging them into an eerie
silence. The distant sound of music floated in on the air, followed by the
unmistakable sound of giggling.
    Dean turned to
Shaun, a heavy glower straining his face.
    Shaun held his
palms out. “What?”
    “What the hell
is this, Shaun?”
    Captain Taylor rotated
the spotlight and lit up a red ski boat with a wakeboard rack running over the
top like a roll bar, Robin Thicke blaring from their
sound system. A large bearded man in a cut off Packers shirt waved a meaty arm
as he piloted the vessel. Two young girls in skimpy bikinis stood behind him
and waved as well, hanging onto each other for support with cans of Heineken in
their hands.
    “Oh, shit,” Ben
    “Hey y’all!” a
pretty girl with short, blond hair yelled out. “Somebody call for search and
    Shaun stood up,
swaying a little as he found his legs. “Thought we were going
to have a circle-jerk out here all night, boss!”
    The bearded man
pulled smoothly alongside Cassandra and tossed Jon a rope. “Sorry, I got tied
    “I bet you did,”
Jon smiled, wiggling his fingers at the girls and pulling another bout of
giggles from them. “Ladies.”
    “Permission to
come aboard?” a brunette with long hair and giant boobs asked coyly.
    Captain Taylor
nudged Jon out of the way and took off his hat, flashing a rat’s nest of white
hair and a crooked smile. “Aye!” He extended his hand
and helped her aboard, eye-fucking her the entire way
before doing it all over again with the short blond.
    The brunette
stumbled in her clear, high heels and fell into Dean. “Oops,” she laughed,
bracing herself with a hand against his chest. Slowly, she looked

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